(In your own words, using college level writing) describe plate tectonics to someone who has a high school education but has never studied the process. You should include a few basic definitions and descriptions and discuss the following:
- What is plate tectonics?
- Why and how does plate tectonics occur?
- What are some potential hazards caused by plate tectonics?
NOTE: If any part of this answer is copied the internet or your textbook (i.e. plagiarized), you will receive a 0 on this entire exam.
(In your own words, using college level writing) describe how abrupt climate change could occur to someone who has a high school education but has never studied the process. You should include a few basic definitions and descriptions and discuss the following:
- What is abrupt climate change?
- How and why could abrupt climate change occur?
- How do we know abrupt climate change has happened in the past?
NOTE: If any part of this answer is copied the internet or your textbook (i.e. plagiarized), you will receive a 0 on this entire exam.