Assignment: Find an ad that attempts the “rebel sell” or otherwisesells some sort of distinction. Your thesis should tell me how that ad makes this sell: what appeals does it make? How does it make those appeals? How is it selling distinction? This is an image analysis paper, so you should break the ad down into parts and show the reader how the parts work together to make the ad’s argument. Sample Theses:1. Xerox’s print ad in Maxim5/06 issue 45 attempts the “rebel sell” by identifying with creative self-sufficiency.2. The Pabst Blue print ad in the 78th issue of Stuff effectively makes a rebel sell because it is cynical andself-aware, signaling that it is hip to “rebel” irony.3. This ad for the H2 in National Geographic’s September 2005 issue appeals to our desire for distinctionfrom mass-culture because it confers the distinction of financial success, absolute “otherness” in comparison to everything else on the road, and the unique potential power to explore virgin wilderness.
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."