Health Promotion/Health Maintenance Using HealthCare Informatics

Health Promotion/Health Maintenance Using HealthCare Informatics

NPs in primary care have a pivotal role in health promotion/maintenance, screening for disease prevention and disease management. To facilitate positive health outcomes, the NP must develop a trusting and collaborative relationship with the patient/family and other members of the healthcare team. As we learned from previous units, there are myriad challenges when caring for adolescent and young adult patients; risky behaviors often lead to deleterious health outcomes or compromised safety. It is important that the NP caring for adolescents and young adults is prepared to effectively communicate wellness and disease prevention and management. Healthcare informatics (telemedicine, electronic medical records, patient portals) “revolutionized,” ways of communicating with patients and other providers via “indirect means.”This Assignment will give you an opportunity to create a proposal to promote health maintenance/promotion, screening for diseases and disease management using social media and principles of healthcare informatics to reach a larger, broader audience.For this Assignment, please follow the directions provided below:Read CDC’s Guide to Writing Social Media.Pick one risky adolescent behavior or one acute or chronic condition that is prevalent in your clinic setting (adolescent or older adult). For example: Topic: Depression Self-Help for AdolescentsFor the condition selected write a proposal on a social media tool you will develop to increase awareness about the condition you selected or to teach patients or other health care teams about the condition.Please follow the format provided:Title of your ProjectObjectives (at least three)Target Audience (consider health literacy of your audience you are trying to reach)Identify your Social Media Platform (Blog, App, Facebook, etc.) and the rationale why you picked the platformIdentify the topic(s) that will be covered in your social media platform must be about health promotion and/or maintenance or screening. The topics should be evidence-based. Example: Title: Teenage “Blues” Topics:Symptoms of Depression (discuss what symptoms you will include and the language should be appropriate to your audience)Example: “moody or easily angered,” “inability to concentrate”When to Seek HelpExample: “Call the Suicide Hotline if you feel like hurting yourself – 1800 Suicide.Discuss the importance of collaborative care (patient/family roles, health care team roles) in primary care setting.Discuss 1 example of collaborative care experience you experienced in clinic.Discuss the greatest area of learning from this assignment.

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