Outline how we might apply the sociological imagination (in its historical, cross-cultural and critical dimensions) to a current social problem like poverty, unemployment, domestic violence, suicide or environmental degradation?
(1000-1250 Words)

It is an expectation that students will consult at least six scholarly sources in writing this particular assignment, which should be evident in the referencing and reference list. Please avoid quoting directly from the sociological dictionary, as this is a thinking exercise requiring research. It is also inadvisable to quote the lectures directly as these are based on a variety of extant sources and you should ask the lecturer to direct you to the relevant source for a particular study or theory referred to in the lectures if you want to use this material.
Assessment Criteria:
As a general rule, the marking of all written assignments and essays will be informed by the following criteria, which are offered as a guide to students in developing their work.
NB: Please note that the following criteria are not ranked in any order of importance:
1. Structure:
How effectively is the material presented, organised and logically ordered?
Does the presentation of material indicate evidence of careful reading in its planning, preparation and writing?
Does your essay have an introduction, body and conclusion?
2. Introduction:
How well does the introduction identify and formulate an argument or main claim for the discussion?
Does it state the aim of the essay and introduce the topic?
Does it give the reader an overview of what is to follow?
3. Argument:
Is the main claim or thesis, presented in a logically coherent manner?
Is the argument adequately supported through the use of properly referenced and appropriate evidence?
4. Content:
Does the substantive content of the discussion indicate that the analysis is detailed and critical?
Are all major issues considered?
Is there recognition of conflicting theories and explanations?
Is the material presented relevant to the topic or essay question?
5. Originality:
Does the discussion indicate originality and independence of thought?
Does the student raise their own questions and develop their own arguments?
6. Conclusion:
Have the main points been summarised?
Has a conclusion been stated?
Are the concluding statements justified on the basis of what has been presented in the body of the assignment?
Page 6
Course Outline: Introduction to Sociology: Society, Culture and Change (SCS110)
Date of original approval: 26.11.02 Date of most recent change: 14/7/2010
Date of discontinuation:
Current form version: 23 Sept 04
7. Referencing:
Is all the research material adequately referenced and documented by the use of citations, quotations and a reference list?
Has the Harvard style of referencing been used correctly?
8. Clarity of Expression and Presentation:
Is the quality of the expression clear?
Is the grammar, punctuation and spelling correct?
Is the question clearly identified?
Are the pages numbered?
Are the font size (12 point) and line spacing (double) correct?
Is the coversheet attached?

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