Ethics And Morality In Criminal Justice
Please watch this short video NYPD’s Stop-and-Frisk: Racial Profiling or “Proactive Policing”? before participating in the discussion.
The New York Police Department said its controversial policy kept the streets safe, but critics claim it was a form of harassment. What arguments can you think of that counter’s this claim? Is stop-and-frisk a form of harassment? Provide an explanation for your decision.
You are a rookie police officer and are riding with a Field Training Officer (FTO). During your shift, the FTO stops at a convenience store and quickly drinks a half-pint of whisky in the back room of the store. The whiskey visibly affects him and the smell of alcohol is very noticeable. What should you do? What if the FTO had just written up a favorable evaluation of you even though you thought you should have received a reprimand for an improper disposition of a traffic accident?
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