Refer back to your Module Two writing Assignment: You are charged with forming a team to organize and implement a fundraiser for a family in need. Name 3-4 subsystems you would to need to create within the team (system)? Why did you select these?
Now you are charged with evaluating effective team performance. Choose a method based off this week’s lecture content for evaluating effective team performance and apply it to your team subsystems. Why did you select this method and what was is advantages over other methods? What would be its disadvantages?
In response to this case study scenario you must submit a 2-3 page paper (not including your cover page or reference page), double spaced and in APA style and format. Upload your response as a Word file. Cite at least two credible outside sources in the paper to support your decision and be sure to include a reference page.
Here are video that will help you as provided by the lecturer:
Along with that writing assignment, here is the discussion post the ties with that that also needs to be done by tomorrow. 100 words max.
This links to this weeks writing assignment. For one of the subprocesses you select for your written assignment, watch the Dan Pink video on motivation and the video on team performance with specific attention to the characteristics of a high performing team. Select two of the characteristics and and explain how you would implement them into your team by applying the material from the videos
Submit the discussion post separately
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