Mod 8 Db Response

Mod 8 Db Response

Please read last 2 db paragraphs and provide a 2 part 100 word minimum response. The first 2 paragraphs is the actual db question for reference.

Discussion Question

Part I

The information that you will need for the discussion can be found in Case 14, p. 49; Case 11, p. 167; and Case 12a, p. 62 of Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. For one of these cases, identify the parties and the moral issue(s) posed by religious belief, keeping an eye out for similarities that it shares with the other cases. Identify common ground. You may draw on any moral concepts discussed throughout the course: utility, duties, rights, virtues, and care.

Part II

In this week’s module we took a look at what is often called the ‘Euthyphro Dilemma’. Socrates is looking for that characteristic that makes all holy acts and only holy acts, holy. Acts we saw might have all sorts of characteristics. They might be done slowly, frequently, in the evenings, in the presence of many other people, few people, etc. Are any of these characteristics (being slow, frequent, occurring in the evenings, being done in the presence of many people, few people, etc.) absolutely required for an act to be holy, or are they just incidental? Think of an example of a holy action. What absolutely must be part of it; what can be omitted without loss? Give your best answer, and as always be sure to provide your reasons for believing it to be the best answer.

Request 2 part DB Response

Part I.

In case 14, p. 49 of Thinking Critically About ethical issues the parties involved are the Animal Lovers, the Priest, and the ten drowned cats. The moral issue here is that the priest violated what Locke calls “four basic natural rights” which are life, health, liberty, and property; when he decided to drown all ten cats al because he thought that they were too noisy and too messy (Ruggiero pg. 49). The priest believed that his act was “humane” and felt that there was nothing wrong with what he had done and did not seem to feel bad about it. Whether the priest should feel bad is determined by his beliefs. We could argue that he acted according to his Deontological Ethical belief. Deontology theorist “reject consequences as a basis for morality and instead focus upon duties” (Burnor & Raley pg. 151) The might have felt as though it was his duty to murder that cats and that it was morally appropriate for him to repurpose their use by fertilizing his rose bushes with the remains.

Part II.

Baptism is a Holy act that has elements that have elements to the process for it to be considered holy. You absolutely must be submerged in water; without water, the baptism cannot happen. It must be done by bishop, priest, or deacon. Most wear white during the act, but I do believe it could be omitted without much loss.

Works Cited

Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan. Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. 166. Print

Burnor, Richard and Yvonne Raley. Ethical Choices. New York: Oxford University, 2011. Print

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