Health Impact Assessment (HIA) – 1,250-1,500-Words Count
A health impact assessment (HIA) is a process for describing and estimating the effects a proposed project or policy may have on the health of a population. For this assignment, imagine you are asked to conduct a HIA for a proposed waste management facility in your community.
1. Provide an overview and description of the stages of an health impact assessment. How is it different from other forms of assessment, such as an environmental impact assessment or a community health assessment?
2. What information would you need about the proposed project?
3. What information would you need about the community to understand the potential health effects?
4. What recommendations would you propose to promote positive health effects? What recommendations would you propose to mitigate adverse health effects?
5. Which decision makers would need this information? Why?
Minimum of five additional references required
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.
An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. The rubric below will be used to grade the assignment:
1. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
2. Overview must be comprehensive and provides sufficient description of an HIA. A clear analysis regarding how an HIA differs from other assessments is provided.
3. Thoughtfully analyzes and evaluates the information that needs to be researched to determine the effects of the proposed project and the health of the population.
4. Recommendations to mitigate adverse health effects and promote positive health effects that must be well-described and include justification and purpose. Address all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria.
5. Conclusion must be comprehensive and clearly articulated. A strong description and justification for the decision makers who would need the information from the HIA is incorporated.
*The assignment needs introduction with thesis statement, headings for each question and the conclusion. In text citation a must.
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