Will Ocean Iron Fertilization Work?
Powell, H. 2008a. Fertilizing the Ocean with Iron. Is this a viable way to help reduce carbon dioxide levels in
the atmosphere? Oceanus 46(1): 4‐10.
Powell, H. 2008b. Will Ocean Iron Fertilization Work? Getting carbon into the ocean is one thing. Keeping it
there is another. Oceanus 46(1): 10‐13.
Powell, H. 2008c. What are the possible side effects? The uncertainties and unintended consequences of
manipulating ecosystems. Oceanus 46(1): 14‐17.
Prepare a short essay (2‐3 paragraphs) addressing the following questions:
1. Summarize the iron hypothesis and why scientists and industry are interested in fertilizing the oceans
with iron.
2. Briefly describe the pros and cons of iron fertilization.
3. Would you support commercial companies fertilizing the world’s oceans? Why or why not?