Implementation Of The Proposed Solution – 600 – 800 Word Count

Implementation Of The Proposed Solution – 600 – 800 Word Count

Provide a description of the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution. Include the following:

1. Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. The consent or approval form(s) should be added as an attachment.

2. Describe the amount of time needed to complete this project. Create a timeline. Make sure the timeline is general enough that it can be implemented at any date. The timeline should be added as an attachment.

3. Describe the resources (human, fiscal, and other) or changes needed in the implementation of the solution. Consider the clinical tools or process changes that would need to take place. Provide a resource list add as an attachment.

4. Describe the methods and instruments, such as a questionnaire, scale, or test to be used for monitoring the implementation of the proposed solution. Develop the instruments. The instruments should be added as an attachment.

5. Explain the process for delivering the (intervention) solution and indicate if any training will be needed.

6. Provide an outline of the data collection plan. Describe how data management will be maintained and by whom. Furthermore, provide an explanation of how the data analysis and interpretation process will be conducted. Develop the data collection tools that will be needed. The data collection tools should be added as an attachment.

7. Describe the strategies to deal with the management of any barriers, facilitators, and challenges.

8. Establish the feasibility of the implementation plan. Address the costs for personnel, consumable supplies, equipment (if not provided by the institute), computer related costs (librarian consultation, database access, etc.), and other costs (travel, presentation development). Make sure to provide a brief rationale for each. Develop a budget plan. The budget plan should be added as an attachment.

9. Describe the plans to maintain, extend, revise, and discontinue a proposed solution after implementation.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.

An abstract is not required.


1. Setting and Subjects: Presents a full description of the organizational setting and access to potential subjects. Examples and details are in-depth and expanded upon.

2. Timeline: Effective organization contributes to the full development and presentation of the amount of time needed to complete the project. Essential components within the project are specified.

3. Solution Process and Resources: Presents a full detailed in-depth description of the human, fiscal, and other resources needed for the implementation of the solution. Presents specific detail and rationale for any clinical tools or process changes that would need to take place. Explains the process for delivering the (intervention) solution, outlining each step. Demonstrates an understanding of the principles and elements and reflects a sophisticated understanding of the subject knowledge. Information is accurate, appropriate, and integrated effectively.

4. Solution methods and instruments: Provides a clear, specific description of how/why/which methods and instruments are to be used for monitoring the implementation of the proposed solution. Provides additional information on possible alternative methods as well as instrument strengths and weaknesses.

5. Data Collection and Management: Presents a comprehensive detailed outline of the data collection plan. Describes in-depth how the data management will be maintained Thoroughly describes the major points of the data analysis and interpretation process. Formulates appropriate strategies to deal with the management of any barriers, facilitators, and challenges. Examples and details are used throughout.

6. Budget: Contains complete budget information for the entire project. Explains in detail how the funds will be used. Projected costs in the budget are reasonable Provides detailed and convincing budget narrative justifying costs. Addresses the costs for personnel, consumable supplies, equipment (if not provided by the institute), computer related costs (librarian consultation, database access, etc.), and other costs (travel, presentation development). Presents a brief rationale for each.

7. Describe the plans to maintain, extend, revise, and discontinue a proposed solution after implementation: Thoughtfully analyzes, evaluates, and describes plans to maintain, extend, revise, and discontinue a proposed solution after implementation. Supports rationale. Describes in detail if goals were met, effectiveness and quality of the solution, and further recommendations. Provides examples and details throughout.

8. Thesis Development and Purpose: Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

9. Argument Logic and Construction: Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

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