CIS 110 Week 4 Discussion Forum
Listed below are topic(s) I would like for each of you to discuss throughout the week. Refer to the textbook, weekly materials, and/or the GMC library when researching the topics for this Discussion Forum. Put your writing into your own words, do not copy directly from the source. If you incorporate external resources ( in your posts be sure to cite ( them properly. Lastly, review how to paraphrase and quote resources before you begin posting ( Create (2) examples of decisions people make each day; then convert these decisions into an IF statement or function. For example, =IF (CIS 106 exam grade > = 65, then take CIS 107, otherwise retake CIS 106). Why is changing the view of a worksheet useful to an Excel user? Are there any disadvantages to changing the view? Task 1: Create a new discussion topic on or before the due date in the Course Syllabus -> Course Schedule by clicking the ‘**REPLY HERE**’ post. In your reply, you will post your answers to the Discussion Forum. Task 2: After you have created your new discussion topic, you are required to read and respond to a minimum of 4 of your classmates discussion topics. Think of your responses in terms of a contribution to a dialogue, not a writing exercise or a chat room. Elaborate a single idea and keep your post short but concise as if you were holding a conversation with your classmate(s). Incorporate what you have learned from the weekly reading material and from your own real-world experiences. Don’t forget to use proper APA citations and references whenever necessary.
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."