Course Project 1

Course Project 1


Course Project Tasks


You will explore globalization and its strategic implications for your chosen company.  You will also determine how leaders of your chosen company respond to globalization.

Week 1: Globalization and International Leadership

In this assignment, you will explore how globalization of businesses has given rise to several new challenges that leaders must address when doing business in the global arena.

An organizational leader’s goal should be to achieve well beyond what was expected on the basis of the other organizational inputs available.  This rule applies to leaders in domestic companies as well as multinational companies (MNCs).  There are many advantages of international operations.  Perhaps the greatest advantage is that firms can gain new customers for their products and services, which increases revenues.  Other advantages are that costs and risks can be spread over a wide number of markets—diversification helps to reduce risks.  While larger markets offer the advantage of economies of scale, MNCs can also establish low-cost production facilities near raw materials or cheap labor.

Considering this basic understanding of the strategic initiatives available to international leaders, address the following:

  • Research the company selected and provide a brief overview of the company.  Include major countries where the company does business and primary products or services.
  • Using research, analyze why globalization of industries is common today.  Discuss why some industries are more “global” than others and provide information about the level of globalization for the company you selected.
  • Evaluate how consumption patterns are becoming similar worldwide.  What are the strategic implications of this trend for your chosen company?  What do the leaders of the company do to formulate and implement a response to the trend?
  • Assess the issues that international leaders of your chosen company must address when doing business abroad (e.g., advantages and disadvantages).

Submission Details:

  • Submit your paper as a 4- page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.

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