Students will write an individual paper that addresses how they can improve their skills as a team leader and as a team member. The paper must also provide some concrete, measurable steps for enhancing their skills and knowledge that are supported by at least 5 professional or academic sources using APA citations and reference format. Format: Typed, double spaced, 1” margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, per APA, and structured as follows: Title Page Personal experience and lessons learned from working in teams (including this class) The effect of your own personality, communications style and preferences, and personal SWOT on the team and its performance Discuss your experiences dealing with diversity In light of your personal values and the PMI Code of Ethics, discuss the importance of adhering to legal requirements and ethical standards in team project work. References page Length: 3-5 pages total (plus title page/References page).

Students will write an individual paper that addresses how they can improve their skills as a team leader and as a team member. The paper must also provide some concrete, measurable steps for enhancing their skills and knowledge that are supported by at least 5 professional or academic sources using APA citations and reference format. Format: Typed, double spaced, 1” margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, per APA, and structured as follows: Title Page Personal experience and lessons learned from working in teams (including this class) The effect of your own personality, communications style and preferences, and personal SWOT on the team and its performance Discuss your experiences dealing with diversity In light of your personal values and the PMI Code of Ethics, discuss the importance of adhering to legal requirements and ethical standards in team project work. References page Length: 3-5 pages total (plus title page/References page).

International Leadership, Communication, and Culture

Moran, Harris, and Moran (2007) noted that multinational corporations face many challenges when engaging in business transactions abroad.  Many of these barriers result from “comprehending communication”—a dynamic exchange of energy, ideas, information, or knowledge between and among people.

Keeping this statement in mind, post your responses to one of the following topics.

  • Describe some of the cultural factors multinational corporations contend with that may hinder their chances of success when operating in foreign lands.  Support your answer using the example of a multinational corporation or a product or a service.
  • Evaluate a management style that could be implemented in order to overcome cultural barriers that impede successful international business relationships.  This style could have positive outcomes, negative outcomes, or both.  Does the domestic management style have to change when going global to overcome cultural barriers?  Why or why not?
  • Describe what may happen when multinational corporations make strategic changes that may ultimately have an effect on the cultural dynamics of organizations.  Research, describe, and evaluate a scenario to illustrate your point.

1 Page Discussion Response


Moran, R. T., Harris, P. R., & Moran, S. V. (2007).  Managing cultural differences:  Global leadership strategies for the 21st century (7th ed.).  Burlington, MA: Elsevier.

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