write my ART Analysis writing paper – homeworkcrew.com

write my ART Analysis writing paper – homeworkcrew.com


aRT Analysis writing paper

The detailed writing instruction is post in the attached file. Please check. Make sure answer all parts of questions.This paper need to write at least 1100 words count.Here are some supportive materials:1. https://99designs.com/blog/tips/principles-of-design/2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzOkP71DSKsImportant: Choose an artist or artwork produced in the last twenty years to analyze or critique.

The concepts being discussed here relate to risk management and business continuity planning from the business perspective.  In your ITSP Part 2 assignment you will discuss these topics from an IT perspective.  Provide a response to one of the following:

The concepts being discussed here relate to risk management and business continuity planning from the business perspective. In your ITSP Part 2 assignment you will discuss these topics from an IT perspective. Provide a response to one of the following: Referring to the ITSP, Part 2 assignment #4 and the GGFRT case study, you will identify some risks that the CIO needs to consider. For this discussion, we will focus on risks that the business should be concerned with. Apply what you know about the business environment and come up with and explain 3 risks related to the business environment (not IT-related risks). Explain what impact the risk has on the business, how likely it is to occur, and how it can be prevented or mitigated.

Concept map on innovation

Choose an organization that has adjusted, adapted, or redefined itself to withstand the test of time. Create a concept map illustrating the organization’s innovative progression that led to its success. In your concept map, include the following:The name of the organization and its innovation.Trends that led to the innovation.Innovation-related values and vision of the organization.Steps and strategies that led to the organization’s innovative success.APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Gas laws problem

Assume that an insulated box exists withtwo compartments A and B. Both comparments contain dry air and are separated by a wall that does not allow any heat through it but that is flexible enough to ensure equalization of pressure in both compartments. The initial conditions for both compartments are the same Ti= 273 K, Vi=1000 cubic centimeter, and Pi= 1 atm. By means of an electrical resistance, heat is supplied to the gas in A until its pressure becomes ten times its initial pressure. Estimate the following: a) the final temperature in gas B, b) the work performed on the gas in B, c) the final temperature of the gas in A, d) the heat absorbed by the gas in A

Understanding Target Markets

Assignment ContentPurpose of Assignment To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers’ buying influences and behaviors. This week’s assignment is the first part of the development of a marketing plan. It provides the foundation of the marketing plan and introduces the student to a variety of diagrammatic tools for understanding a business. Assignment Steps To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers’ buying influences and behaviors. In Week 2, create the Research section of your plan. Create the research section of your marketing plan in minimum of 700 words.Include at least 3 elements of the Research List of Topics (see list below):Research List of Topics:Primary ResearchSecondary ResearchConsumer AnalysisCustomer ProfileContinuous Consumer Monitoring & ResearchEnvironmental ScanningIdentify Market, Economic, Technological, Regulatory, Legal, Social, and Ecological ForcesCurrent OpportunitiesPotential Future OpportunitiesCurrent ThreatsPotential Future ThreatDiagrams are not required but can be used to provide clarity and conciseness. Diagrams (and subsequent discussion) can include SWOT (emphasizes internal market–Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) TOWS (emphasizes the external market–Threats, Opportunities, Weakness, Strength), PEST (Political, Economical, Social, Technological), SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results), and/or STEEP (Social, Technological, Environmental, Economical, Political). All diagram(s) should be in APA format and must include a subsequent discussion of the diagram(s) providing insight and clarity.Develop the first two parts of the Target Market section, which includes an overview of the demographics (age, income, family members, and birthdays) and psychographics (activities, interests, and opinions) analysis. This is not a detailed analysis but an overview (basic trends and insights from the data that is presented in annual reports and other SEC type filings).Explain the insights you have gained from your inspection and analysis of the demographic and psychographic information you have found. This assignment will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

INF100 Evaluating News Sources for Validity and Bias

Unit 2 Assignment: Evaluating News Sources for Validity and BiasFor this assignment, you will be turning in:A screenshot of the last slide of the learning module A 3-4 page paper (see assignment details below)
Be sure to review the rubric for this assignment to ensure you understand what you will be evaluated on.
Part I. Work through the following learning module.
Take a screenshot of the last slide with your name and
the date to upload with your assignment. This will be worth 2.5 points
of your grade for this assignment. *If you are unable to access the module below, please view it through this link.Part II:In 200-300 words:

– Write a sentence or two, share where you normally receive/read the
news (Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Email? Radio? Television?)
– Reflect on whether you usually look at more than one source to verify
a news story is true
– Can you think of a time you repeated headlines or shared a story
without actually reading it?
– If not, then discuss why you tend not to share headlines or news.
– Explain two strategies you’ve learned in this unit that you might use
to better assess the credibility of news sources and filter out fake
news.Part III: Locate a topic in the
news that is presented differently on two different news sources. Apply
the two strategies you listed above to your evaluation of these news
sources/stories. Write 200-300 words on what you discovered.Part IV:Go to SNOPES.COM, POLITIFACT or FACTCHECK.ORG and select a recent questionable news story. In your paper:
State the title of news story and which fact-checking site you used (Snopes, Politifact, Factcheck) In a sentence or two, describe the origin of the news story. Who started it? How was it spread?Describe what evidence is presented to prove the claim true or falseYour paper must be three to four double-spaced pages in length and include
a title page with the following:
Title of paperNameCourse name and number – Instructor’s nameDateIf you use references, use a separate references page
It is important that the paper is in proper APA format. Refer to the General APA Guidelines from Purdue OWL for more information.Review the rubric to ensure you understand how you will be evaluated on this assignment: Unit 2 rubric

Essay help plus my online homework

WEEK 2: THIS WEEK (RECONSTRUCTION AND THE WEST)Start with the TOPIC OVERVIEW for an introduction to this week’s reading/topic. Then:Reading Assignment: I will provide chapters from text only use information from text book no outside infomation allowed plagarism report needed original words!! use correct format has to be an original response Foner, Give Me Liberty,Chapter 15 & 16Foner, Voices of Freedom, Chapter 15 & 16Petition of Black Residents of Nashville (1865) Petition of Committee on Behalf of the Freedmen to Andrew Johnson (1865) The Mississippi Black Code (1865) A Sharecropping Contract (1866) Elizabeth Cady Stanton, “Home Life” (ca. 1875) Frederick Douglass, “The Composite Nation” (1869) Robert B. Elliott on Civil Rights (1874) *Jorgen and Otto Jorgensen, Homesteading in Montana (1908)These documents from Chapter 17 of Voices may also be helpful for thinking about race and the New South:*Booker T. Washington, Address at the Atlanta Cotton Exposition (1895)*W. E. B. Du Bois, A Critique of Booker T. Washington (1903)Ida B. Wells, Crusade for Justice (ca. 1892)Discussion Topic: Submit both an original response to each forum and a reaction/response post to each forum (four posts total). Responses should include specific evidence from both your textbook reading and from the primary sources. The original responses should be posted no later than 11:59 p.m. Wednesday. Response/Reaction posts are due no later than 11 p.m. Sunday. No exceptions.This post is in two forums – you’ll need original and reaction posts for BOTH:Reconstruction and the South: Was Reconstruction, when examined as a whole, a success? Why or why not? Be sure to include specific references from the text, documents, and other materials you looked at this week.The West: What did freedom mean to native peoples and how did that conflict with the interests and values of most white Americans in the second half of the 19th century? What did white Americans want? How did they see native peopes? How did different groups of natives (there is variation in their reactions) respond to white encroachment?In your response, be sure to note that different native peoples responded in different ways (use the tribes names when talking about specific groups).InQuizitive: Assignments due at 11 p.m. Sunday. I’ll give login to do it!! I’ll provide more details on what to do for essay Only use from book no Wikipedia or online use allowed Plagiarism free with reportAnd no citations from online only book which I’ll provide!

Stats 200 week 4 homework

Stats 200 week 4 homework problems are attached need i done by 11;59STAT 200 Week 4 Homework Problems6.1.21.) The commuter trains on the Red Line for the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) in Cleveland, OH, have a waiting time during peak rush hour periods of eight minutes (“2012 annual report,” 2012).a.) State the random variable.b.) Find the height of this uniform distribution.c.) Find the probability of waiting between four and five minutes.d.) Find the probability of waiting between three and eight minutes.e.) Find the probability of waiting five minutes exactly.6.3.2Find the z-score corresponding to the given area. Remember, z is distributed as the standard normal distribution with mean of and standard deviation .a.) The area to the left of z is 15%.b.) The area to the right of z is 65%.c.) The area to the left of z is 10%.d.) The area to the right of z is 5%.e.) The area between and z is 95%. (Hint draw a picture and figure out the area to the left of the .)f.) The area between and z is 99%.6.3.4 According to the WHO MONICA Project the mean blood pressure for people in China is 128 mmHg with a standard deviation of 23 mmHg (Kuulasmaa, Hense & Tolonen, 1998). Assume that blood pressure is normally distributed.a.) State the random variable.b.) Find the probability that a person in China has blood pressure of 135 mmHg or more.c.) Find the probability that a person in China has blood pressure of 141 mmHg or less.d.) Find the probability that a person in China has blood pressure between 120 and 125 mmHg.e.) Is it unusual for a person in China to have a blood pressure of 135 mmHg? Why or why not?f.) What blood pressure do 90% of all people in China have less than?6.3.8A dishwasher has a mean life of 12 years with an estimated standard deviation of 1.25 years (“Appliance life expectancy,” 2013). Assume the life of a dishwasher is normally distributed.a.) State the random variable.b.) Find the probability that a dishwasher will last more than 15 years.c.) Find the probability that a dishwasher will last less than 6 years.d.) Find the probability that a dishwasher will last between 8 and 10 years.e.) If you found a dishwasher that lasted less than 6 years, would you think that you have a problem with the manufacturing process? Why or why not? f.) A manufacturer of dishwashers only wants to replace free of charge 5% of all dishwashers. How long should the manufacturer make the warranty period?6.3.10The mean yearly rainfall in Sydney, Australia, is about 137 mm and the standard deviation is about 69 mm (“Annual maximums of,” 2013). Assume rainfall is normally distributed.a.) State the random variable.b.) Find the probability that the yearly rainfall is less than 100 mm.c.) Find the probability that the yearly rainfall is more than 240 mm.d.) Find the probability that the yearly rainfall is between 140 and 250 mm.e.) If a year has a rainfall less than 100mm, does that mean it is an unusually dry year? Why or why not? f.) What rainfall amount are 90% of all yearly rainfalls more than?6.4.4Annual rainfalls for Sydney, Australia are given in table #6.4.6. (“Annual maximums of,” 2013). Can you assume rainfall is normally distributed?Table #6.4.6: Annual Rainfall in Sydney, Australia146.8 383 90.9 178.1 267.5 95.5 156.5 18090.9 139.7 200.2 171.7 187.2 184.9 70.1 5884.1 55.6 133.1 271.8 135.9 71.9 99.4 110.647.5 97.8 122.7 58.4 154.4 173.7 118.8 8884.6 171.5 254.3 185.9 137.2 138.9 96.2 8545.2 74.7 264.9 113.8 133.4 68.1 156.4 6.5.2A random variable is normally distributed. It has a mean of 245 and a standard deviation of 21. a.) If you take a sample of size 10, can you say what the shape of the distribution for the sample mean is? Why?b.) For a sample of size 10, state the mean of the sample mean and the standard deviation of the sample mean. c.) For a sample of size 10, find the probability that the sample mean is more than 241.d.) If you take a sample of size 35, can you say what the shape of the distribution of the sample mean is? Why?e.) For a sample of size 35, state the mean of the sample mean and the standard deviation of the sample mean. f.) For a sample of size 35, find the probability that the sample mean is more than 241.g.) Compare your answers in part c and f. Why is one smaller than the other?6.5.4According to the WHO MONICA Project the mean blood pressure for people in China is 128 mmHg with a standard deviation of 23 mmHg (Kuulasmaa, Hense & Tolonen, 1998). Blood pressure is normally distributed.a.) State the random variable.b.) Suppose a sample of size 15 is taken. State the shape of the distribution of the sample mean.c.) Suppose a sample of size 15 is taken. State the mean of the sample mean.d.) Suppose a sample of size 15 is taken. State the standard deviation of the sample mean.e.) Suppose a sample of size 15 is taken. Find the probability that the sample mean blood pressure is more than 135 mmHg.f.) Would it be unusual to find a sample mean of 15 people in China of more than 135 mmHg? Why or why not?g.) If you did find a sample mean for 15 people in China to be more than 135 mmHg, what might you conclude?6.5.6The mean cholesterol levels of women age 45-59 in Ghana, Nigeria, and Seychelles is 5.1 mmol/l and the standard deviation is 1.0 mmol/l (Lawes, Hoorn, Law & Rodgers, 2004). Assume that cholesterol levels are normally distributed.a.) State the random variable.b.) Find the probability that a woman age 45-59 in Ghana has a cholesterol level above 6.2 mmol/l (considered a high level).c.) Suppose doctors decide to test the woman’s cholesterol level again and average the two values. Find the probability that this woman’s mean cholesterol level for the two tests is above 6.2 mmol/l.d.) Suppose doctors being very conservative decide to test the woman’s cholesterol level a third time and average the three values. Find the probability that this woman’s mean cholesterol level for the three tests is above 6.2 mmol/l.e.) If the sample mean cholesterol level for this woman after three tests is above 6.2 mmol/l, what could you conclude? 6.5.8A dishwasher has a mean life of 12 years with an estimated standard deviation of 1.25 years (“Appliance life expectancy,” 2013). The life of a dishwasher is normally distributed. Suppose you are a manufacturer and you take a sample of 10 dishwashers that you made.a.) State the random variable.b.) Find the mean of the sample mean.c.) Find the standard deviation of the sample mean.d.) What is the shape of the sampling distribution of the sample mean? Why?e.) Find the probability that the sample mean of the dishwashers is less than 6 years.f.) If you found the sample mean life of the 10 dishwashers to be less than 6 years, would you think that you have a problem with the manufacturing process? Why or why not?

COSC, need to solvedusing pycham, i need the screenshot of the program, and screen shot of output and save the program as "Qn3.py"

3) (10 points) Write a program that prompts the user to input an integer that represents cents. The program will then calculate the smallest combination of coins that the user has. For example, 27 cents is 1 quarter, 0 nickel, and 2 pennies. That is 27=1*25+0*5+2*1.(6 points, each 3 points) Convert the binary numbers 11011101 and 11110111 to decimal by hand, showing all steps. Example program run 1: Enter number of cents: 185 Pennies: 0 Nickels: 0 Dimes: 1 Quarters: 7 Example program run 2: Enter number of cents: 67 Pennies: 2 Nickels: 1 Dimes: 1 Quarters: 2 (5 points) Write the program(2 points) Screenshot of the output(3 points) Save the program as “Qn3.py” //python program

6 Discussion and 1 Bibliography

12-point Times New Roman font using APA format.
Minimum of two sources to support your answer.
200 word minimum

Protected characteristics covered by equal employment opportunity laws and why they are important in today’s employment setting.
Explain how you would conduct a job analysis in a company that has never had job descriptions. Utilize the O*Net as a resource for your information.
If you became the new manager at a restaurant with high employee turnover, what actions would you take to increase retention of employees?
What labor markets should be considered when recruiting to fill an opening for a housekeeping staff at a local hospital? What labor markets should be considered for staffing the chief surgeon for the local hospital?
You are the HR manager for a commercial airline. You have been assigned to develop a realistic job preview for flight attendants. Your objective is to give a balanced picture of the job so that applicants will better understand what they will be asked to do. Job duties, schedules, and other facets of the job should all be well understood early in the recruiting process to avoid poor P/E fit later on.
How would you gather information about the job context and environment? Explain what sources you would use and why. How could you use technology to show the positive and negative aspects of the job
Why is evaluating training an important part of strategic training?
Note: Need 1 response for each discussion topic (total 6 discussion reply). Annotated Bibliography:
Two peer-reviewed articles in any business management topic
The reason the study was conducted
What research design was used (surveys, interviews, case study, etc.)
Which research analysis was used (MANOVA, ANOVA, Kruskal Wallace, etc.)
The results of the study along with any conclusions of the author(s)

APA format
2 References
400 words minimum


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