3-4 Pagraphs With References And No Plagirazm2A-02

3-4 Pagraphs With References And No Plagirazm2A-02

Assignment Details

You are a victimologist assigned to a multijurisdictional fusion center. The Department of Homeland Security would like an evaluation on the community response to a recent raid by Homeland Security agents on a druid religious compound just outside of a major urban area.

Druids are easily recognizable because they wear long robes with hoods. The raid was conducted in response to a sect of the druid religion that planned to destroy a major furniture-producing factory that was clearing a nearby forest to produce their furniture. The radical druids were concerned over the damage to the forest and the spirits that they believed resided in the trees.

The agents who conducted the raid discovered the following in the druid compound:

  • Several drums of homemade napalm
  • The floor plans of the furniture factory
  • A time table for the planned attack

Your are tasked with evaluating the community’s response to the raid on the druid compound.

Focus your evaluation on the following:

  • Explain how you would help the community understand that it was a small radical group in the druid community that planned the attack.
  • Assess the impact that the community would have felt if the radical druid sect successfully destroyed the furniture factory. Determine how this might have impacted the economic base of the local community.
  • Identify who the potential victims are in the community, not just for loss of income or injury but also for the relationships between the druid and non-druid members of the community.
  • Explain to your fusion center leadership how the community has been impacted by the potential attack and what the community feels about the remaining druids in the community who are not directly tied to the radical element that planned the attack.
  • Is there an impending possibility of racial profiling by authorities when observing members of the druid community?

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