Module 5 – SLP


Quality Management and Accountability


SLP: Final Part


This is the final part of applying information that you gained in your interview of a healthcare manager. Please answer the following questions:


1.    Describe the program’s quality improvement model.


2.    Discuss with your interviewee procedures used to address quality assurance in the healthcare program.


3.    Discuss what issues have impacted quality of services (e.g. economics, human error, technology, etc.)


4.    Determine how accountability for quality assurance services is assessed.


5.    What measures are in place to ensure that quality services are provided by employees of the program?


You may also want to include other themes that were presented in this module related to quality assurance and accountability. Please summarize how conducting this interview helped you understand the role of the healthcare manager in being responsible for the delivery of effective and efficient healthcare services.




Assignment Expectations


1.    Be sure to conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to familiarize yourself with the facts of the case and be sure to justify/support your position.


Limit your responses to a 2-3 pages. Times new roman font 12 pt.  DS. Please use sub headings.


2.    Please support your discussions with scholarly support (3-5 references). Be sure to properly cite all references in text citations and reference page


3.    Apply critical thinking skills to the assignment component.






Module 5 – Background


Quality Management and Accountability


Required Readings


Kennedy, D., Caselli, R., Berry, L., & Mishra, P.. (2011). A Roadmap for Improving Healthcare Service Quality/PRACTITIONER APPLICATION. Journal of Healthcare Management, 56(6), 385-400; discussion 400-2.


James, B., & Savitz, L.. (2011). How Intermountain Trimmed Health Care Costs Through Robust Quality Improvement Efforts. Health Affairs, 30(6), 1185-1191.


Chassin, M., Loeb, J., Schmaltz, S., & Wachter, R.. (2010). Accountability Measures — Using Measurement to Promote Quality Improvement. The New England Journal of Medicine, 363(7), 683-8.


Larson, J. S. & Muller, A. (2002). Managing the Quality of Healthcare. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. Harrisburg: Winter 2002/2003. Vol. 25, Iss. 3/4; p. 261.


Miller, N. (2000). Seeking accountability. Nursing Economics; Pitman; Mar/Apr 2000.


Nat Natarajan, R. (2006). Transferring best practices to healthcare: opportunities and challenges. The TQM Magazine. Bedford: 2006. Vol. 18, Iss. 6; p. 572.


Robinson, P. (2004). Master the steps to performance improvement. Nursing Management.Chicago: May 2004. Vol. 35, Iss. 5.


Scott, G. (2001). Accountability for service excellence. Journal of Healthcare Management; Chicago; May/Jun 2001.


Weeks, Brenda, Helms, Marilyn M, & Ettkin, Lawrence P. (1995). A physical examination of health care’s readiness for a total quality management program: A case study. Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly, 17(2), 68.


Optional Readings

Griffith, J. R., White, K. R., & Bernd, D. L. (2005). The Revolution in Hospital Management. Journal of Healthcare Management. Chicago. Vol. 50, Iss. 3

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