

1) You have been asked to evaluate the hazards and risks associated with the introduction of a new robotic welder at your facility. Parts are fed onto a conveyer belt by an employee; the parts are picked up by a robotic arm and then placed onto a form where another robotic arm performs the welding. The first robotic arm then picks the part back up and places it onto another conveyer belt, where a second employee removes it and places it on a pallet. Discuss what types of guards you would recommend for the operation, including point-of-operation guards and perimeter guards. Based on the risk analysis results, what administrative controls and PPE would you recommend?

2) A maintenance procedure is added to a new production line at a facility that manufactures tires. Once a week, a maintenance employee is required to use a step ladder to access a small platform on a mixing box that is located 12 ft. above the concrete floor. The maintenance employee must open the door and use a scraper and small shovel to remove excess buildup of raw materials used in the process. Evaluate the risks associated with falls associated with the task, and discuss how these results can be used in the selection of controls. In your discussion, include your recommendations for controls to reduce the risk of falls associated with the process.
Your essay should be at least 200 words in length.

3) An operation spray-paints large aircraft wings using a paint containing hexavalent chromium. Summarize the different types of engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment that could be used to control the exposures for this operation. State which control you believe would be the most effective to reduce the risk in the painting operation to an acceptable risk level. Which additional controls would you use if your initial control did not reduce the risk to an acceptable level?
Your essay should be at least 200 words in length.

4) Discuss the variables you would use to evaluate the risks associated with a task that requires a worker to lift bags containing raw materials and dump them into a hopper where they feed into a reactor. Identify which of the factors would be fixed factors and which factors might be variable, and state how you made that decision. Recommend some administrative controls that might be appropriate for the task. How might you use the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) revised lifting equation in selecting the controls?
Your essay should be at least 200 words in length.

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