MAT 510 Case Study 2: Improving E-Mail Marketing Response Help

MAT 510 Case Study 2: Improving E-Mail Marketing Response Help

Case Study 2: Improving E-Mail Marketing Response
Due Week 8 and worth 160 points


Read the following case study.


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A company wishes to improve its e-mail marketing process, as measured by an increase in the response rate to e-mail advertisements. The company has decided to study the process by evaluating all combinations of two (2) options of the three (3) key factors: E-Mail Heading (Detailed, Generic); Email Open (No, Yes); and E-Mail Body (Text, HTML). Each of the combinations in the design was repeated on two (2) different occasions. The factors studied and the measured response rates are summarized in the following table.


Table: Improving E-Mail Response Rate  Run Heading Email Open   Body            Replicate           Response Rate 1 Generic  No          Text  1             46 2 Detailed No          Text  1             34 3 Generic  Yes          Text  1             56 4 Detailed Yes          Text  1             68 5 Generic  No          HTML  1             25 6 Detailed No          HTML  1             22 7 Generic  Yes          HTML  1             21 8 Detailed Yes          HTML  1             19 1 Generic  No          Text  2             38 2 Detailed No          Text  2             38 3 Generic  Yes          Text  2             59 4 Detailed Yes          Text  2             80 5 Generic  No          HTML  2             27 6 Detailed No          HTML  2            32 7 Generic  Yes          HTML  2            23 8 Detailed Yes          HTML  2            33


Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:


  1. Use the data shown in the table to conduct a design of experiment (DOE) in order to test cause-and-effect relationships in business processes for the company.
  2. Determine the graphical display tool (e.g., Interaction Effects Chart, Scatter Chart, etc.) that you would use to present the results of the DOE that you conducted in Question 1. Provide a rationale for your response.
  3. Recommend the main actions that the company could take in order to increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising. Provide a rationale for your response.
  4. Propose one (1) overall strategy for developing a process model for this company that will increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising and obtain effective business process. Provide a rationale for your response.


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:


  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.


The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:


  • Build regression models for improving business processes.
  • Design experiments to test cause-and-effect relationships in business processes.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in business process improvement.
  • Write clearly and concisely about business process improvement using proper writing mechanics.
Points: 160 Case Study 2: Improving E-Mail Marketing Response
Criteria Unacceptable

Below 70% F


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. Use the data shown in the table to conduct a design of experiment (DOE) in order to test cause-and-effect relationships in business processes for the company.

Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely used the data shown in the table to conduct a design of experiment (DOE) in order to test cause-and-effect relationships in business processes for the company. Partially used the data shown in the table to conduct a design of experiment (DOE) in order to test cause-and-effect relationships in business processes for the company. Satisfactorily used the data shown in the table to conduct a design of experiment (DOE) in order to test cause-and-effect relationships in business processes for the company. Thoroughly used the data shown in the table to conduct a design of experiment (DOE) in order to test cause-and-effect relationships in business processes for the company.
2. Determine the graphical display tool (e.g., Interaction Effects Chart, Scatter Chart, etc.) that you would use to present the results of the DOE that you conducted in Question 1. Provide a rationale for your response.
Weight: 20%
Did not submit or incompletely determined the graphical display tool (e.g., Interaction Effects Chart, Scatter Chart, etc.) that you would use to present the results of the DOE that you conducted in Question 1. Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your response. Partially determined the graphical display tool (e.g., Interaction Effects Chart, Scatter Chart, etc.) that you would use to present the results of the DOE that you conducted in Question 1. Partially provided a rationale for your response. Satisfactorily determined the graphical display tool (e.g., Interaction Effects Chart, Scatter Chart, etc.) that you would use to present the results of the DOE that you conducted in Question 1. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response. Thoroughly determined the graphical display tool (e.g., Interaction Effects Chart, Scatter Chart, etc.) that you would use to present the results of the DOE that you conducted in Question 1. Thoroughly provided a rationale for your response.
3. Recommend the main actions that the company could take in order to increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising. Provide a rationale for your response.

Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely recommended the main actions that the company could take in order to increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising. Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your response. Partially recommended the main actions that the company could take in order to increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising. Partially provided a rationale for your response. Satisfactorily recommended the main actions that the company could take in order to increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response. Thoroughly recommended the main actions that the company could take in order to increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising. Thoroughly provided a rationale for your response.
4. Propose one (1) overall strategy for developing a process model for this company that will increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising and obtain effective business process. Provide a rationale for your response.

Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely proposed one (1) overall strategy for developing a process model for this company that will increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising and obtain effective business process. Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your response. Partially proposed one (1) overall strategy for developing a process model for this company that will increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising and obtain effective business process. Partially provided a rationale for your response. Satisfactorily proposed one (1) overall strategy for developing a process model for this company that will increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising and obtain effective business process. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response. Thoroughly proposed one (1) overall strategy for developing a process model for this company that will increase the response rate of its e-mail advertising and obtain effective business process. Thoroughly provided a rationale for your response.
5. Writing / Support for ideas

Weight: 5%

Never uses reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. Rarely uses reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. Partially uses reasons and evidence that logically support ideas. Mostly uses reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.
6. Writing / Grammar and mechanics

Weight: 5%


Serious and persistent errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Numerous errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Partially free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Mostly free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

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