

PART A – Smart Pointers. 10 points

– For each of the following statements, please: ▪Explain the statement in 5 or more sentences. And

▪Create a code experiment to demonstrate our understanding.

▪Please remember to submit our code and document our experiment in our assignment report.

1. Deleting the same memory twice: This error can happen when two pointers address the same dynamically allocated object. If delete is applied to one of the pointers, then the object’s memory is returned to the Free-store. If we subsequently delete the second pointer, then the Free-store may be corrupted.

2. Use smart pointers… Objects that must be allocated with new, but you like to have the same lifetime as other objects/variables on the Run-time stack. Objects assigned to smart pointers will be deleted when program exits that function or block.

3. Use smart pointers… Data members of classes, so when an object is deleted all the owned data is deleted as well (without any special code in the destructor).

4. Converting unique_ptr to shared_ptr is easy. Use unique_ptr first and covert unique_ptr to shared_ptr when needed.

5. Use weak_ptr for shared_ptr like pointers that can dangle.

PART B – Linked Bag. 20 points

– Please change only files: LinkedBag340.cpp and Include.h, no other files.

– We are to implement 8 small additional functions and 2 helper functions to the Linked Bag.

– Our programs must produce identical output to the output in the 2 sample runs: Asmt03_Run1.txt and Asmt03_Run2.txt ▪Our Test 9’s output must also be identical to the sample output excepts the random values.

▪Our Test 9’s random values in our 2 sample runs’ output must be different.

Descriptions of the 8 functions:

Please ask questions, if any, during the in-class discussions and demos for this assignment.

1. removeSecondNode340 deletes the second node in the Linked Bag. 2 pts

2. addEnd340 inserts the new node at the end of the Linked Bag. 2 pts

3. getCurrentSize340Iterative counts the number of nodes in the Linked Bag iteratively. 2 pts

4. getCurrentSize340Recursive counts the number of nodes in the Linked Bag recursively. Use 1 helper function: getCurrentSize340RecursiveHelper. 2 pts

5. IMMEDIATE RECURSION: getCurrentSize340RecursiveNoHelper counts the number of nodes in the Linked Bag recursively. This recursive function does not use any helper functions. 4 pts

6. getFrequencyOf340Recursive recursively counts the number of times an entry appears in the Linked Bag. Use 1 helper function: getFrequencyOf340RecursiveHelper. 2 pts

7. IMMEDIATE RECURSION: getFrequencyOf340RecursiveNoHelper recursively counts the number of times an entry appears in the Linked Bag. This recursive function does not use any helper functions. 4 pts

8. removeRandom340 removes a random entry from the Linked Bag. 2 pts

PART C – Linked Bag, Smart Pointers Version. 10 points

– Create a Smart Pointers version of your PART B’s Linked Bag:

1. Please create a copy of your entire PART B solution and name it: PartB_SmartPointers.

2. Then go through all the files, not just LinkedBag340.cpp, and use smart pointers properly where it is possible.

3. In your assignment report, list the file names and the line numbers in which you use smart pointers. For each smart pointer, explain in 3 or more sentences why it is a proper use.

4. This Smart Pointers version must work properly and produce identical output like that of your PART B version.

5. Please add a destructor so that the program displays when object(s) get destroyed.

6. Please remember to submit your code of this part. Save the code under a folder named “PartB_SmartPointers” and include this folder in the assignment submission ZIP. Please remember to document this part in the assignment report. 

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