Unit II Assignment

Unit II Assignment


Sample Ergonomics Program

This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts presented in the Unit II Lesson regarding the elements of an ergonomics program. Specifically, you will be developing an ergonomics program.

As a graduate of Columbia Southern University’s Safety and Emergency Services program, you have decided to pursue a career as an occupational safety and health consultant. You were recently contacted by Will B. Shafe, the human resource manager at On Call, the company that employs Ms. Handz-Hurt from the unit lesson. According to Mr. Shafe, he is having trouble convincing the leadership at the company to address ergonomics because there is no OSHA ergonomics mandate.

Part 1:

You have agreed to assist Mr. Shafe by preparing a one-page minimum overview explaining the regulatory requirements related to ergonomics, including the history of the OSHA Ergonomic Standard and the benefits of implementing an ergonomics program. Your summary must include references and should be written to convince management to implement a program (after all, you are a consultant and you want their business).

Your overview must include a minimum of two outside sources, one in which must be from the CSU Online Library.

Part 2:

Six weeks later, Mr. Shafe contacts you again with news that the leadership is more open to the idea of implementing an ergonomics program but needs guidance on what should be included in the program. Using the information covered in the unit lesson, prepare a sample ergonomics program for the company.

Your sample program should be three pages in length, not counting the title page and the references page.

Your fully completed assignment, including Part 1 and Part 2 together, should be a minimum of four pages in length, not counting the tile and references pages. Include both parts in one document and label for clarity.

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