Labs Review

Labs Review

Directions:  This may be done table format. APA format is required whichever format you choose. A title page, running head, page numbers and three references are required.

A.  Identify the normal values for each of the following labs. Consider normal values acrossgender, race, and age, and pregnancy status, when applicable.

B.  Identify clinical indications for obtaining the following labs.

1.  List when indicated for routine screens if applicable (for example,the USPSTF recommends screening for chlamydia in sexually active women age 24 years and younger and in older women who are at increased risk for infection, or TSH screening is indicated for newborns. Indications for screening can also include risk factors. For example, ordering cholesterol levels on a patient with HTN or DM.

2.  Besides screening, list 1-3 clinical indications for ordering the lab. For example, clinical indications of WBC include

Fever with associated symptoms, weight loss, bone pain with fever, etc.

C.  Identify conditions associated with abnormal LOW levels of each of the following labs (if applicable)

D.  Identify conditions associated with abnormal HIGH levels of each of the following labs (if applicable)

One good resources for screening recommendations is:

  1. Components on a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel such as (but not limited to) sodium, chloride, potassium, glucose, CO2, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Calcium
  2. Renal Function Tests: Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Creatinine, BUN/Cr Ratio, Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
  3. Thyroid Function Tests- TSH, Free T4
  4. ToxicologySalicylate toxicity, Acetaminophen, Urine Drug Screen, Blood Alcohol, Carbon Monoxide (CO)Salicylate toxicity, Acetaminophen, Urine Drug Screen, Blood Alcohol, Carbon Monoxide (CO)
  5. For your last category of test. Report screening indications for the chosen test, and some clinical indications for ordering them, normal values/results, and S/Sx associated normal or abnormal—–Mammography

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