Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

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Paragraph 1

One way for the nurse to gather cultural information from patient would be the use of the Heritage Assessment Tool (HAT). This method helps nurses to gather cultural information on their patients by asking questions such as: where was your mother born, in what setting did you grow up, who lived with you while growing up, do you practice religion in your home and do you participate in ethnic activities. This helps the nurse in obtaining information based on the patient’s culture, beliefs, needs and practices that can affect their health care and treatment (Falkner, 2018). Nurses are culturally competent when caring for patients. This means a nurse provides care while being aware of differences related to culture, and is able to tailor plans of care based on patient choices that can be based on their culture (Falkner, 2018). This approach helps to provide holistic care to patients and the nurse addresses psychosocial and physical needs. Cultural competence relates to better care because the nurse incorporates the patient’s beliefs and wants into their health care. There is a trusting relationship between the health care team and patient, increased cooperation from the patient and increased participation from the community. With this cooperation, there is an action plan to help reduce health disparities. One way a nurse provides culturally competent care to Arab Americans, for example, would be having same-sex health care providers. Modesty is valued, so therefore, should be honored by the nurse to preserve this value.

Paragraph 2

Nurses can improve healthcare delivery and close the gap on healthcare disparities when they provide culturally competent care (Falkner, 2018). Nurses can gather cultural information from their patients by asking about their diet at home, carefully taking note of any restrictions that are important to the patient such as vegetarianism. I have had experience with patients who are Kosher and therefore are unable to have Heparin. It is important for nurses to continually educate themselves on other cultures, especially if they are unfamiliar with the patient’s culture. Also, nurses must remain aware of their own biases while delivering culturally competent care (Murphy, 2011). Nurses demonstrate cultural competence when they use a translator to communicate with their patients. The beds in the ICU where I work all have some basic phrases and even some questions that can be played on the bed’s speaker for the patient to hear; for example, telling the patient where they are/what the day is to help reorient intubated/sedated patients. We use the beds language feature along with the hospital approved translator.

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