Project 7 – Jane Austen: Addison’s Disease

Project 7 – Jane Austen: Addison’s Disease

Project 7  –  Jane Austen: Addison’s Disease

You will choose a well-known individual from history or current popular literature, with instructor approval, who has a known physiological—as opposed to psychiatric or psychological—disease or illness, and, using a systematic approach, you will analyze that disease or illness. You will also develop a plan of care for that disease or illness.
In your analysis, you will describe the pathophysiology for your selected disease or illness, propose historical explanations for variations in findings (when applicable), and demonstrate use of nursing conceptual models to frame your discussion of adaptation and stressors collectively for system analysis.
Your plan of care should utilize the PIE (planning, intervention, and evaluation) format. The planning (P) section should include at least two short-term and two long-term goals that are most appropriate for your chosen case, and each goal should have measurable criteria and have a hypothetical target date or time. The intervention (I) section should include interventions or nursing actions that directly relate to the selected case’s goals and that are specific in action and frequency. The number of interventions should be appropriate for helping to meet individual goals. Finally, the evaluation (E) section of the plan of care should include proposed measures for determining success of the plan and an evaluation of the potential success of the plan, based on those measures.


Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Introduce your selected case
    1. a)  Identify the individual you selected and his or her disease or illness, and provide a brief explanation of why you selected this case.
    2. b)  Describe how normal physiology is changed by the disease state for your selected case.
    3. c)  Define the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations associated with your selected case and how they may be explained by altered physiology.
      Be sure to support your claims with scholarly evidence.
    4. d)  Assess the extent to which clinical manifestations of your selected case affect multiple body systems, using scholarly evidence to support your
  2. History of selected case
    1. a)  Describe historical variations (that is, examples of individuals with the selected disease or illness) of your selected case, using evidence from
    2. b)  Identify physiological stressors that may affect the course of the disease or illness, and explain their impact.
    3. c)  Identify adaptive physiological mechanisms that may affect the course of the disease for your selected case.
    4. d)  Assess the historical impact of patient care technologies on patient outcomes for your selected case. Be sure to justify your claims with scholarly
  3. Planning for care for your selected case
    1. a)  Write a goal statement that is patient-centered and contains at least one measurable criterion or target date/time. In order to address this
      element comprehensively, you should be sure to provide at least two short-term and two long-term goals for your selected case.
    2. b)  Analyze the critical nursing concerns associated with this disease state, and prioritize them from a treatment standpoint.
    3. c)  Identify patient care technologies that are appropriate for managing clinical manifestations of your selected case.
  4. Intervention
    1. a)  Outline appropriate nursing interventions for your selected case. Be sure to substantiate your claims with scholarly evidence.
    2. b)  Outline common classes of medications used to manage the disease. Be sure to provide examples from scholarly evidence to support your
    3. c)  Assess the extent to which current patient care technologies improve health promotion for your selected case, using scholarly evidence to
      support your claims.
    4. d)  Assess the extent to which current patient care technologies assist in decreasing medication errors and improving patient safety with regard to
      your selected case.

V. Evaluation

  1. a)  Identify the most appropriate measures for determining the success of your plan of care. In other words, what data will you need to collect to
    determine if your plan worked? Be sure to substantiate your claims with scholarly evidence.
  2. b)  In terms of the outcome measures you identified, evaluate the potential success of your plan of care and proposed nursing interventions for
    your selected case. In other words, do you feel your proposed plan of care and interventions for your selected case will result in successful outcomes? Be sure to justify your rationale with evidence-based research.

Final Product Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your case analysis and plan of care paper should be between 6 and 10 pages, not including title page and reference list. It should be

formatted with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins; all citations should follow proper APA guidelines.

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