collaborative software development project
[ad_1]Assignment 3 – Asteroids!
- Conduct a collaborative software development project.
- Solve problems and design software solutions using a high-level programming language and a range of technologies, protocols and algorithms.
- Build a program with visual elements.
- Reflect on the work of others and provide feedback.
The video game Asteroids is an arcade classic that was originally developed in 1979 and played on arcade gaming machines. Over years there have been many remakes of this game with many upgrades to the graphics and features on more sophisticated machines.
The concept for the game is simple – there is a small ship that the player can move around the screen that can fire projectiles. Asteroids, represented by some sort of random polygon shape, drift around the screen. The aim of the game is to destroy the asteroids with the projectiles that the ship fires. This may not be so easy because when large asteroids are hit with the ships projectiles, they break into smaller asteroids that fly off in random directions. If the any of the asteroids hit the ship, it is destroyed.
The gameplay for the original can be seen
Your task is to work in your teams to develop your own version of the asteroids game using the Processing environment. The specific implementation details are up to your group, but your game should at very least have:
- The “ship” that can shoot projectiles.
- Asteroids that move around the window that can be shot and destroyed.
- Some sort of scoring system that rewards the player for shooting the asteroids.
- The game should reset (and potentially move to a harder level) when the player destroys all of the asteroids on the screen.
All of the visual design elements are up to you. I would advise you to start simple and move up from there.
Some advanced features that might result in bonus marks include (but are not limited to):
- The implementation of vector-based motion (Do some research on using the PVector object.
- Implementing additional types of projectiles for your ship.
- Implementing the alien ships that periodically attack.
- Advanced Visual elements such as explosion effects when an asteroid is destroyed.
- Sound effects (do some research on implementing these).
- Advanced levelling system – new features introduced.
- Be creative – anything impressive beyond the basic functionality will get the bonus marks!
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