Paper is about : What are YOUR specific plans for EACH

Paper is about : What are YOUR specific plans for EACH


Paper is about : What are YOUR specific plans for EACH of the following categories?
1. Managing Stress
2. Fitness
3. Nutrition
4. Disease Prevention
5. Getting your life in order in preparation for dying… insurance, DNR, health care proxy,

Title Health Prefered Language style English (U.S.)
Type of document Essay Number of pages/words 5 Pages Double Spaced (approx 275 words per page)
Subject area   Nutrition Academic Level Undergraduate
Style APA Number of sources/references 1
Order description:
Paper is about : What are YOUR specific plans for EACH of the following categories?
1. Managing Stress
2. Fitness
3. Nutrition
4. Disease Prevention
5. Getting your life in order in preparation for dying… insurance, DNR, health care proxy, etc.Term Paper Guidelines
Yes, there are a lot of guidelines here. My Professor is a meanie.Title Page
– Include the following on your title page: title of paper, your name, your ID number, the course name/number/section/semester/year.
– The title page does not count as one of your pages in terms of the length of the paper.
– See an example title page.Format
– Use 12 point Arial/Times/Courier font or another legible font of your choosing.
– Use double spacing, with no extra spaces between paragraphs or headings.
– Use 1″ margins on top, bottom, left and right. Be aware that the default setting in MS Word is 1.25″ for left and right margins & 1″ top and bottom; change this in
page settings under file.
– Staple your paper in the upper left corner. Do not use paper clips, binder clips, plastic covers, folders, professional binding, etc. Just a staple is “just fine”.– Number your pages. Do not put in the page numbers manually – in MS Word go to insert in the menu bar and choose page numbers. Put the
page numbers in the upper right-hand corner, and remember not to number your title page (I find it easiest to have two files – one for the paper
itself and one for the title page/bibliography, so that the page numbering ends up right).
– Use left alignment for your paper. Do not right justify it.Proofreading
– The bare minimum is the spell/grammar check in your word processing program. It is recommended that you have another person proofread
your paper, it is expected that you will plan
accordingly and have enough time to have your paper proofread.
– Excessive spelling/grammatical errors will cause a grade reduction.Bibliography and Citations
– If your paper has research (in this case it is most likely your plans) cite quotes and ideas/information that you paraphrase from your references – failure to do so is plagiarism and is the same as cheating.
– Do not include excessive quotations – try to put things into your own words (they still need to be cited, though). The point is for you to learn
something by thinking it through, not for you to copy what someone else said about a topic. If you find you must put a quote in your paper and it is more than three
lines long (when typed into your paper), indent it 1/2 inch on the left and single space the entire quote; do not put it in quotation marks, but do
cite it at the end as you would any other quote.
– Include only works you cite in the paper in your bibliography.
– Include all works you cite in the paper in your bibliography.
– Online books and journal articles do not count as websites – treat them like regular books or articles when you cite them and put them in your
bibliography (don’t include the web address in your bibliography). Your TA does not need to approve sources like this.
– Use the AAA guidelines (under publications go to Style Guide) for citing references and composing your bibliography; it can be found here
with examples for all kinds of materials (scroll to the bottom of the document).
– The bibliography does not count towards the length of your paper.
– See an example of citations here.
– See an example of a bibliography here. An explanation of what each item is has been placed in red in parentheses after the author’s name.Length
– Undergraduate papers should be at least 5 pages in length and because you are following the “format” above of double spacing, this is not much, especially due to the importance of the content of the paper being your life.
– The title page, bibliography, and appendices do not count towards the length of your paper.
– Follow the format guidelines as they will impact the length of your paper. If it is deemed that you have not followed the guidelines, you
will be docked both for failing to follow the instructions and for failing to write a paper of the proper length.This is one of those personal papers that’s asking YOU as in oneself about all the things at the very begining of this order description

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