Assessment 2 COIT12206 TCP/IP Principles and Protocols
Assessment 2
COIT12206 TCP/IP Principles and Protocols (Term 1, 2020)
Assessment item 2 — written assessment with practical components
Due date: 22/05/2020 11:55 pm (Friday, Week 10)
Weighting: 30%
Instructions – Follow instructions below –
• Answer Template – The file ANSWERS_ …_TWO.docx, which is available on
Moodle, must be used as the template for your answers. Write all of your answers in this file, and upload
1. the template document with answers and
2. fully functional (mainly functional configuration from question 2 and
4) ‘Assignment2.pkt’ which should work with Packet Tracer version
• Workings and Calculations – You are recommended to show all your workings and steps in your calculations. Although you may receive full marks if you give the correct answer without showing the calculations, you will receive zero (0) marks if you give the incorrect answer without showing the calculations. If you show your workings and calculations, but arrive at an incorrect answer (e.g. due to a typo or small mistake), you may receive partial
marks. Hence, it is better that you show all your working and steps in your calculations.
• Plagiarism – Please ensure that you write your answers in your own words to avoid possible plagiarism and copyright violation. You can understand the Plagiarism
Procedures by following the corresponding link in the CQUniversity Policies section of the unit profile.
Question 1: (12 marks)
BMTech is a medical service provider with three sub-branches located at Melbourne area. The main branch and sub-branches have the network devices (such as computer, server, printer, etc.) 110, 40, 30 and 20 respectively. BMTech contracted with you to help them a proper IP address planning for the following new IP address space:
IPv4 network:
IPv6 network: 2001:DB80:ABCD:1000::/64
Calculate the subnetworks and answer the following questions for all four of the subnetworks.
Make sure you show detailed calculations to get full marks in this question.
IPv4 network:
What is the subnet mask of the subnetwork? (4 marks)
What is the first address and the last address of the subnetwork? (4 marks)
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IPv6 network:
What is the subnet mask of the subnetwork? (2 marks)
What is the first address and the last address of the subnetwork? (2 marks)
Question 2: (1+2+2=5 marks)
Open ‘Assignment2.pkt’ using Packet Tracer. All ports on all devices in the network are pre- configured with IP addresses. However, the routing protocol is not configured in the routers of the given network. Configure RIP version 2 routing protocol in each of those routers and test the connectivity of the network. Write CLI (Command Line Interface) commands you have used in both (HQ and Branch A) routers for RIP version 2 as your answer and submit ‘your_student _ID.pkt’ file with functional routing. Include the screenshot in your answers. Marking distribution –
• Submitted fully functional ‘your_student_ID.pkt’ file with routing and included screenshot in the answer template(ANSWERS_ …_TWO.docx).
(1 mark)
• Correct routing commands in HQ router written in the answer template
(ANSWERS_ …_TWO.docx).
(2 marks)
• Correct routing commands in Branch A router written in the answer template (ANSWERS_ …_TWO.docx).
(2 marks)
Question 3: (7 marks)
In the given network of ‘Assignment2.pkt’, Branch A Router receives a packet with destination address Answer the following questions based on the network.
a) Construct the classful routing tables for Branch A router.
(5 marks)
b) Show the detailed process, with relevant calculations and conversions, of how the packet is forwarded (classful) by Branch A Router.
(2 marks)
Question 4: (6 marks)
At the moment, all the PCs in ‘Assignment2.pkt’ are configured with static IP addresses. In this question, you will configure DHCP in both (HQ and Branch A) routers for the computers belonging to the networks below:
HQ rou ter:
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Branch A router:
After you configure DHCP, remove the static IPs from relevant computers and choose DHCP to obtain IP address. Finally, do not forget to test your network by sending a packet from one end to other.
Write CLI (Command Line Interface) commands you have used in both (HQ and Branch A) routers for DHCP implementation as your answer and submit ‘your_student_ID.pkt’ file with functional DHCP configuration. Include the screenshot in your answers. Marking distribution –
• Submitted fully functional ‘your_student_ID.pkt’ file with routing and included screenshot in the answer template. (1 mark)
• Correct DHCP commands in HQ router written in the answer template. (2.5 marks)
• Correct DHCP commands in Branch A router written in the answer template.
(2.5 marks)
– End –
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