BUMKT5902 Marketing Management

BUMKT5902 Marketing Management


Assessment Criteria Sheets
BUMKT5902 Marketing Management
Assessment 2 – Marketing Strategy
Part A Report and Part B Presentation
This document contains the details for Assessment 2 for BUMKT5902 Marketing Management. Included are
aspects such as:

The assignment overview and report structure;
How the assessment is to be formatted; and
How it will be assessed by using an Assessment Criteria Sheet.

You should read this in conjunction with the Course Description, which contains other pertinent information
on submission, etc. It is your responsibility to fully acquaint yourself with these requirements. If you are not
clear on any aspect, please speak with your lecturer who will be happy to clarify any questions.
Overview of the Assignment
You are required to demonstrate your understanding of marketing theory as it relates to a real world setting.
For assessment 2, Part A and B, you are required to prepare a marketing strategy for a business you are
familiar with, or a business you work for, or an entrepreneurial ‘side hustle’ you might have started.
 Part A – Report
To complete Part A – you need to carry out background research, compile a situational analysis and use
this information to help you identify a new product line that the company will launch. The new product
should be aligned with the company image and existing offerings. The remainder of the assignment is
designed to explain how the new product is going to be sold.
Using marketing theory, academic research and industry research among others, you will identify how the
market will be segmented, and how the product will be both targeted and positioned to the target market.
Following this, the product will be explained in the context of the 4 Ps (product, price place, and promotion)
also using marketing theory and research to justify the suggestions being made.
Report length:
If you decide to complete this assessment individually, your word count is 1200 words maximum. For an
assessment of this length, we would expect to see a minimum of 8 academic references used.
If you decided to complete this assessment in a group of 2-3 people, your word count is 3,000 words
maximum. For an assignment of this size, we would expect to see a minimum of 20 academic references
It is important to remember that this assessment requires you to demonstrate your understanding of
marketing theory as it relates to a real world setting. This means you will perform better in the assignment if
you are able to integrate marketing theory into your anlaysis and use academic theory to justify your
proposals, strategies and recommendations.
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Deleted: the students
Deleted: Your group report will be
Report Structure
Use the following structure to organise your report:
Title page
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Company Introduction and Brief Industry Overview
3.0 Environmental marketing analysis
4.0 SWOT Summary
5.0 Overview of proposed product
6.0 Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
6.1 Segmentation
6.2 Targeting
6.3 Positioning
7.0 Recommended Marketing Mix
7.1 Product
7.2 Price
7.3 Place
7.4 Promotion
8.0 Conclusion
Appendices (if applicable)
General Formatting Requirements for the Report
For those students who are unfamiliar or do not feel confident with academic writing, there are many sources
on the Federation University and Library websites. The formatting of assignments should adhere to the
following requirements:

Report format
Follow the headings outlined under the Assignment Instructions section
Use a report Title page containing all of the relevant information
The Executive Summary is placed before the Table of Contents and does not contribute to the word
Correct page numbering (e.g., the Cover Page is not numbered, the number format for the Executive
Summary and the Table of Contents is i, ii, etc. The body of the report starting with the Introduction is
numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.)
Do not write in the first or second person (I, we, our)—write in the third person only
Proof-read before submission for spelling, grammatical and logic errors
Fonts should be plain and easy to read (e.g., Tahoma, Arial, Times New Roman)
Font size is typically between 10 and 12 for the body of the assignment
Paragraphs are to be fully justified

Paragraph spacing typically uses one space before and after a paragraph
Any tables and diagrams used should be labelled (they do not form part of the word count)
APA referencing style to be used (information on this can be found at the following link:

Part B – Presentation
To complete Part B –you need to prepare and deliver a professional quality presentation to pitch your new
product idea to your peers, who will role play the directors of your chosen company.
The presentation should be based on the content of your report, following a similar structure. Your
presentation is assessed on the quality of your presentation and pitching skills, but should still be wellinformed and demonstrate your ideas are based on research and evidence.
Presentation length:
If you have decided to complete this assessment individually, your presentation length should be a
maximum of 4 minutes and no more than 3 slides.
If you decided to complete this report in a group of 2-3 people, Your presentation can be no longer than 10
minutes, and it is recommended you use no more than 5 slides. All students should have an equal part in
developing and delivering the presentation.
A suggested set of slides might include:
1. Introduction and overview
2. SWOT (with reference back to your situational analysis)
3. Product
4. Segmentation/Targeting/Positioning
5. Recommended Marketing Mix (4Ps)/Concluding comments
Submitting the presentation – due to COVID-19 impacts, you will need to pre-record your presentation nand
submit it via Moodle.
Recordings can be done using the Kaltura application in Moodle on your laptops, or you could use your
smartphone to record your presentation and load into the system. More information on this process will be
provided as we get closer to the submission date.
Deleted: as a group,
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Commented [AT1]: For inividuals – you might think about
putting this information into one slide – just focusing on key
points, not your whole report
Assessment Criteria Sheets
BUMKT5902 Marketing Management
Assessment 2 –Marketing Strategy (Report) – Rubric

Criteria Weight F (0-49) P (50-59) C (60-69) D (70-79) HD (80+)
5% The executive summary
has not been included, is
not of sufficient length
and/or does not cover the
critical elements of the
situation analysis.
The executive summary
communicates very few of
the critical elements of the
marketing report so that it
reads as a stand-alone
document. The length of
the executive summary
may not be adequate.
The executive summary
communicates some of the
critical elements of the
marketing report so that it
reads as a stand-alone
document. The length of
the executive summary is
suitable, but could be more
The executive summary
communicates most of the
critical elements of the
marketing report so that it
reads as a stand-alone
document. The length of
the executive summary is
The executive summary
clearly communicates the
critical elements of the
marketing report so that it
reads as a stand-alone
document. The length of
the executive summary is
sufficient (1 page max).
and Brief
10% Company and industry is
not adequately discussed
or is not included.
Company and industry is
discussed, with only
minimal or irrelevant detail.
Company and industry is
discussed in some detail.
Company and industry is
discussed in an adequate
amount of detail and
highlights some key issues
to be addressed further in
the situational analysis
Company and industry is
discussed with
background and highly
relevant details, it is clear
to the reader which key
issues will be explored
further in the situational
Analysis of
micro, macro,
political and
15% Various operating
environments have either
not been discussed or not
discussed in an adequate
amount of detail. Little
evidence of integration of
marketing theory and
practical information.
Various operating
environments have been
identified and described,
however may not all be
relevant or not discussed
critically. Limited evidence
of integration of marketing
theory and practical
Various operating
environments were
relevant and discussed in
some detail, some attempt
at critical analysis. Some
attempts to integrate
marketing theory and
practical information.
All relevant operating
environments included and
clear attempts to
developed critical
discussion with an
adequate amount of detail.
Regular attempts to
integrate marketing theory
and practical information
All relevant operating
environments included and
discussed in a good
amount of detail. Well
developed critique and
sophisticated integration of
marketing theory and
practical information
10% SWOT Summary has either
not been provided, is
lacking in detail or include
irrelevant information.
SWOT Summary has been
provided and described,
however possibly not all
relevant components were
covered or were not
covered in enough detail.
SWOT Summary discusses
components in some detail,
with at least the most
relevant being covered.
SWOT Summary
adequately discusses
components, with all
relevant components
included and critiqued.
Some indication of issues
to be considered moving
SWOT Summary includes
comprehensive critique of
all relevant components
and clearly identifies issues
to be considered moving

Deleted: Group

Criteria Weight F (0-49) P (50-59) C (60-69) D (70-79) HD (80+)
Targeting &
15% Segmentation, targeting
and positioning have not all
been discussed or have not
been discussed in an
adequate amount of detail.
Segmentation, targeting
and positioning have been
described, possibly with
some information missing,
lacking some theoretical
backing or is not as
relevant to the chosen
company as it could be.
Segmentation, targeting
and positioning have been
discussed in some detail.
The student has made
some attempt to justify
proposal with some
reference to theory and
Segmentation, targeting
and positioning have been
discussed in an adequate
amount of detail. Each of
these areas have been
discussed well overall and
the student makes a clear
attempt to build
arguments and justify tese
with reference to theory
and research.
Segmentation, targeting
and positioning have been
comprehensively. Each
section covers key
marketing theories and
concepts to help justify their
application to the given
context. Adequate research
also supports the
discussion around these
Marketing Mix
(4 Ps)
20% Each of the 4 Ps have
either not been discussed,
or not been discussed in an
adequate amount of detail.
Each of the 4 Ps have been
discussed in some detail,
but may be lacking
adequate research,
marketing theory or
discussion as to its
relevance to the given
Each of the 4 Ps (product,
price, place, promotion)
have been discussed in
some detail. The theory
and research contributing
to the discussion is okay,
but could be a little more
Each of the 4 Ps (product,
price, place, promotion)
have been discussed in
an adequate amount of
detail. Each of these
areas have been
discussed well overall.
Each of the 4 Ps (product,
price, place, promotion)
have been discussed in a
good amount of detail. Each
section covers key
marketing theories and
concepts to help justify their
application to the given
context. Adequate research
also supports the
suggestions being made
regarding how the new
product is to be structured
regarding the 4 Ps.
presentation of
15% The report lacks required
structure and/or is of a very
low standard.
It also falls substantially
short of the word limit.
Incorrect grammar and
spelling mistakes appear
constantly throughout the
The report structure and
formatting is inconsistent.
Word limit has not been
adhered to.
Some instances of incorrect
grammar and spelling
mistakes in parts of the
The report structure and
formatting meet minimum
standards will all sections
Grammar and spelling
mostly correct throughout.
The report structure and
formatting follow
guidelines and are
consistently applied
throughout the report.
Grammar and spelling
correct throughout.
The report structure and
formatting follow guidelines
and present a professional
impression to the reader.
Grammar and spelling is
correct throughout, with a
high sophistication to the
look at feel of the report.
Referencing 10% No references, or very few
references, are used.
Those that are included do
not contain sufficient detail
and are not in the correct
A minimum of 20, or
perhaps fewer, academic
references are used. Not
many of the references
used, both in-text and in the
reference list, are in the
correct format.
A minimum of 20 academic
references are used. All
references used, both in
text and in the reference
list, are largely in the
correct format.
A minimum of 20
references are used. Few
mistakes in both in-text
referencing and in the
reference list are evident.
More than 20 references
are used. These are
correctly referenced in-text
and formatted in the
reference list.
Total 100%

Assessment 2 –Marketing Strategy (Report) – Rubric

Student Student ID Email
CRITERIA (Total Marks = 10)
A) DELIVERY 2 Comments
Clarity in speaking, pronunciation, speed,
expression, appropriateness of tone, and
professional demeanour.
Quality of accompanying slides/presentation aids,
logical structure and flow of topics, timing of the
C) CONTENT 5 Comments
Introduction by student/s, purpose of presentation,
explanation of key points, relevance of points

Deleted: Group
Deleted: of group and tasks

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