HA2032 Corporate and Financial Accounting

HA2032 Corporate and Financial Accounting



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HA2032 Corporate and Financial Accounting
HA2032 Corporate and Financial Accounting
Corporate and Financial Accounting Individual Assignment T1 2020
Assignment Specifications Purpose:
In this individual assignment, students will critically analyse the different aspects of financial statements,
including the application of different sources of authority and the accounting standards for corporate
disclosure and for the financial reporting function. Furthermore, students will demonstrate their
understanding of the different sources of funds, capital structure and provide a detailed analysis of the
financial statements of an Australian publically listed company for two consecutive financial periods. Students
will research and provide details of the different disclosure requirements for both listed and non-listed entities.
Assessment Task:
Part A
Students will need to access the ASX website (https://www.asx.com.au) and select a company in any industry
section. Students will need to download the latest Annual report for that selected company.
Based on the selected company’s annual financial statements and related notes, students will need to prepare
a business report addressing the requirements listed below. It is also a requirement to attach the main financial
statements and the related notes which address the requirements below in your report.
1. Discuss and provide an analysis of items in the statement of cash flow and identify item(s) which
relate to the balance sheet.
2. Explain the company’s performance based on Earnings per Share (EPS) and provide EPS
calculations for the last two consecutive periods.
3. Discuss whether EPS is a useful performance indicator for the company.
4. Explain how the material movements in the statement of changes in equity is reflected and
reported in the statement of cash flows.
5. Discuss the items recorded as Non-Current Liabilities, including the related notes and provide an
explanation of the material movements of each item.
6. Based on the capital structure of the company selected, discuss the potential advantages and
disadvantages of each source of capital.
Part B
Students will need to research and discuss the disclosure requirements for publically listed companies in the
financial statements in comparison to other non-listed companies. Students will also need to discuss the
benefit(s) of disclosing comparative information in the annual financial reports to users, including key decision
makers or external users, such as investors. (Note – one page is recommended to answer this section)
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HA2032 Corporate and Financial Accounting
The assignment structure must be as follows:
 Holmes Institute Assignment Cover Sheet – Full Name, Student No., Campus, Session No.
 Executive Summary
o The Executive Summary appears as a short paragraph on the first page of the report.
o The Executive summary should be concise and not involve too much detail.
o It should be a summary of the main points only, the conclusions and analysis of the report.
o Write the Executive Summary after the report is completed, and once you have an overview of
the whole report.
o 50 – 100 words is recommended
 Table of Contents Page – This needs to show a logical listing of all the sub-headings of the report’s
contents. (Note this is excluded from the total word count.)
 Introduction – A short paragraph which includes background and/or scope and the main points raised
in order of importance. There should be a brief conclusion statement at the end of the Introduction.
 Main Body Paragraphs with numbered sub-headings – Detailed information which elaborates on the
main points raised in the Introduction. Each paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence, then
supporting sentences with facts and /or relevant information (evidence) and finish with a concluding
sentence at the end.
 Conclusion – A logical and coherent evaluation based on a thorough and objective assessment of the
work performed.
 References – Credible Academic sources must be used, such as peer reviewed journals or authoritative
textbooks. The Harvard referencing style is required.
 Appendices – Include any additional explanatory information which is supplementary and/ or graphical
to help communicate the main ideas made in the report. Refer to the appendices in the main body
paragraphs, as and where appropriate. (Note this is excluded from the total word count.)
Marking Criteria

Assignment Marking Criteria
Part A
Marks Weighting
Analysis of items in the statement of cash flow and identification of item(s)
which relate to the balance sheet.
3 3%
Discussion of the company’s performance based on Earnings per Share (EPS)
and EPS calculations for the last two consecutive periods are provided with
discussion of the usefulness of EPS.
3 3%
Explanation of the material movements in the statement of changes in
equity is reflected and reported in the statement of cash flows.
3 3%
Discussion of the items recorded as Non-Current Liabilities, including the
related notes and an explanation of the material movements of each item is
3 3%
Based on the capital structure of the company selected, there is a discussion
of the potential advantages and disadvantages of each source of capital.
3 3%
Part B
Research and discussion of the disclosure requirements for publically listed
companies in comparison to other non-listed companies and the benefit(s)
of disclosing comparative information in the annual reports to intended
users is provided.
6 6%
Report structure and format, Punctuation, Spelling, Grammar, Correct verb
forms, Appropriate Word Choice and Academic English phraseology.
2 2%
References List and referencing – In-text citation, acknowledgement of
sources and use of credible academic sources.
2 2%
Total 25

Marking Rubric

Part A Criteria Max
3 marks
Very Good
2.5 marks
2 marks
1.5 marks
1 – 0 marks
Discuss and provide an
analysis of items in the
statement of cash flow and
identify item(s) which
relate to the balance sheet.
The items recorded in the
statement of cash flow have
been correctly identified.
The submission
demonstrates an excellent
understanding of each item
recorded in the statement
of cash flow.
The items recorded in the
statement of cash flow
have been correctly
The submission
demonstrates a good
understanding of each
item recorded in the
statement of cash flow.
The items recorded in the
statement of cash flow
have been correctly
The submission
demonstrates a
basic understanding of each
item recorded in the
statement of cash flow.
The items recorded in the
statement of cash flow have
been correctly identified.
The submission
demonstrates a
basic understanding of each
item recorded in the
statement of cash flow.
The items recorded
in the statement of cash flows
have not been correctly
identified. The submission does
not demonstrate an
understanding of each item
recorded in the statement of
cash flow.
Explain the company’s
performance based on
Earnings Per Share (EPS)
and provide calculations
for the last two
consecutive periods.
Discuss if EPS is a useful
performance indicator for
the company.
This is an excellent
response to the
company‘s performance
analysis based on the EPS
calculations with a detailed
discussion of the
usefulness of EPS for
performance evaluation.
The submission clearly
explains the
company‘s performance
analysis based on the EPS
calculations with a detailed
discussion of the
usefulness of EPS for
performance evaluation
with only minor
adjustments for
improvement noted.
The explanation provided
for the
company‘s performance
analysis based on the EPS
calculations are good with a
good discussion of the
usefulness of EPS for
performance evaluation,
but with some
recommendations for
improvement noted.
There is only a partial
explanation provided for the
company‘s performance
analysis based on EPS
calculations. There is some
discussion of the usefulness
of EPS for performance
evaluation, but there are
recommendations for
improvement noted.
There is an inadequate
explanation provided for the
company‘s performance analysis
based on EPS calculations and
discussion of the usefulness of
EPS for performance evaluation
is lacking. There are clear
deficiencies noted.
Explain how the material
movements in the
statement of changes in
equity are reflected and
reported in the statement
of cash flow.
The items recorded in the
statement of changes in
equity have
been correctly identified.
The submission
demonstrates an excellent
understanding of each item
recorded in this section.
The items recorded in the
statement of changes in
equity have
been correctly identified.
The submission
demonstrates a very good
understanding of each
item recorded in this
The items recorded in the
statement of changes in
equity have
been correctly identified.
The submission
demonstrates a
good understanding of each
item recorded in this
The items recorded in the
statement of changes in
equity have been correctly
identified. The submission
demonstrates an adequate
understanding of each item
in this section.
The items recorded
in the statement of changes in
equity have not been correctly
The submission does not
demonstrate a
sufficient understanding
of each item recorded in this
Discuss the items recorded
as non-current liabilities
including the related notes.
Provide an explanation of
the material movements of
each item.
The submission
demonstrates an excellent
understanding of the
items and the movements
in the non-current
liabilities section with
detailed explanations
There is a very good
explanation provided for
the items and the
movements in the non
current liabilities section,
with only minor errors or
only minor points noted
for improvement.
The explanation provided
for the items and
movements in the non
current liabilities section is
good, with some minor
errors or points noted for
There is some valid
explanation provided for the
items and movements in the
non-current liabilities
section with required
adjustments for
There is an inadequate
explanation provided for the
items and movements in the
non-current liabilities section
and there are numerous
adjustments required for

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HA2032 Corporate and Financial Accounting

Discuss the capital
structure of the company
selected and the potential
advantages and
disadvantages of each
source of capital.
An outstanding
explanation and discussion
is provided of the capital
structure with detailed
advantages and
disadvantages and an
excellent explanation of
the different sources of
A very good explanation
and discussion is
provided of the capital
structure with detailed
advantages and
disadvantages and a very
good explanation for the
different sources of
capital with some minor
recommendations for
A good explanation and
discussion is provided of
the capital structure with
the advantages and
disadvantages stated and
an explanation of the
different sources of capital.
There are some minor
recommendations for
There is some explanation
and discussion provided
about the capital structure
with advantages and
disadvantages stated and an
explanation of the different
sources of capital, but there
are essential
recommendations for
There is an inadequate
explanation and discussion
provided about the capital
structure with either missing,
unconvincing or irrelevant
advantages and disadvantages
noted. There is a poor
explanation of the different
sources of capital.
Part B Criteria Max
6 marks
Very Good
5 marks
4 marks
3 marks
2 – 0 marks
Research and discussion of
the disclosure
requirements for publically
listed companies in the
financial statements in
comparison to other non
listed companies.
Discussion of the benefits
of disclosing comparative
information in annual
financial reports to users
including key decision
makers and external users,
such as investors.
An outstanding
explanation is provided for
the disclosure
requirements for
publically listed companies
in the financial statements
in comparison to other
non-listed companies with
detailed discussion about
the benefits of disclosing
comparative information
in the annual financial
reports to intended users,
including decision makers
or external users such as
There is a very good
explanation provided for
the disclosure
requirements for
publically listed
companies in the
financial statements in
comparison to other non
listed companies with
detailed discussion about
the benefits of disclosing
comparative information
in the annual financial
reports to intended users
including decision makers
or external users such as
investors with only minor
recommendations for
There is a good explanation
provided for the disclosure
requirements for publically
listed companies in the
financial statements in
comparison to other non
listed companies with a
good discussion about the
benefits of disclosing
comparative information in
the annual financial reports
to intended users including
decision makers or external
users such as investors
with some
recommendations for
There is an adequate
explanation provided for the
disclosure requirement for
publically listed companies
in the financial statements in
comparison to other non
listed companies with some
discussion on the benefits of
disclosing comparative
information in annual
financial reports to users
including decision makers or
external users such as
investors, but with
recommendations for
There is an inadequate
explanation provided for the
disclosure requirements for
publically listed companies in
the financial statements in
comparison to other non-listed
companies with an inadequate
discussion about the benefit of
disclosing comparative
information in the annual
financial reports to intended
users including, decision makers
or external users such as
investors. There are numerous
deficiencies noted.

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HA2032 Corporate and Financial Accounting

Other Criteria Max
2 Marks
Very Good
1.75 marks
1.5 marks
1 mark
0.5 – 0 marks
Report Structure
An excellently formatted
and structured report in
well composed Academic
English phraseology,
demonstrating deep
critical analysis and an
outstanding clarity of
thought. No major
grammatical, spelling,
syntax or punctuation
errors are noted.
A very well formatted
and structured report in
well composed Academic
English phraseology,
which demonstrates a
strong coherence of
thought and a very good
level of analysis within
the topic.
Only minor grammatical,
spelling, syntax or
punctuation errors are
A well-structured report
which demonstrates a
sound critical analysis with
a good report structure
and evidence of logical
The report is well written in
appropriate Academic
English, but there are some
grammatical, spelling,
syntax or punctuation
errors noted, which require
The report is adequately
presented and structured.
The key points were
identified and supported
with a well thought out
rationale based on
appropriate unit content.
The report is well written in
appropriate Academic
English, but there are
ostensible grammatical,
spelling, syntax or
punctuation errors noted.
The report is poorly structured
and formatted. There are
numerous grammatical, spelling,
syntax and punctuation errors
noted. The report is poorly
written. There is no logical flow
of ideas noted. There are
significant deficiencies noted
throughout the report.
References List
Evident use and correct
acknowledgement of
credible Academic
sources. Correct in-text
citation conventions are
noted and the end of list
references are correctly
NA NA Some use of credible
Academic sources, but
references are not
acknowledged correctly or
there are inconsistencies
noted in the referencing
throughout the report.
Non-credible academic sources
have been used. Incorrect in
text citation is noted and the
end of list references are either
not referenced or incorrectly
Total 25

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