NURS9123 Epidemiology and Population Studies
4/17/2020 Assignment 1/4
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Shared NURS9123 Epidemiology and Population Studies for Health Care
Practice – 2020 S1 (Int + Dist)
includes NURS9123_2020_S1; NURS9123_2020_S1_DE
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Assignment Three instructions
NURS 9123 Assignment 3: Essay
This assignment is divided into two parts. Part A asks you to demonstrate your understanding of the inÖuence of
social determinants of health on speciÕc action areas targeted under the Australian National Health Priority
Areas and to consider this relationship from a global perspective. Part B asks you to identify a strategy used to
prevent the occurrence of the health priority and relate the importance of capacity building, collaboration and
sustainability to this strategy.
Ensure that your arguments are supported by evidence from peer-reviewed articles, including a minimum of
three epidemiological primary research papers as well as other sources such as websites and government
reports. You are encouraged to source the World Health Organization, and other similar sites.
Part A (2000 words).
Critically analyse the literature relating to ONE of the nine Australian Health Priority areas to compare and
contrast the burden of disease experienced by Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and Indigenous and
non-Indigenous people from another country (choose ONE from the list below).
Choose one of the following:
Maori people of New Zealand,
American Indian people of the United States
Bantu people of Somalia,
Saami people of northern Scandanavia.
Include in your analysis the relationship between the social determinants of health and the epidemiology of the
disease in each population
You are required to include epidemiological data to support your assertions demonstrating your understanding
of three key epidemiological terms such as odds ratios, relative risks, conÕdence intervals and p values within
your assignment.
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Provide an introduction and conclusion for part A.
Part B (2000 words)
Search the literature to determine a local area (globally) where this health priority is prevalent. For example, this
may be an area within a state or a state if common determinants particular to this state can be identiÕed. You
may select a certain population within this region if the prevalence is high, e.g. women, men, unemployed,
Indigenous etc. Identify ONE (1) important current strategy used to address your chosen topic (health priority) in
the particular country, area and cohort that you have chosen.
This strategy should aim to prevent the illness from occurring. Diagnostic procedures detect an illness and do
not prevent it and therefore should not be used. In addition, your strategy should not merely aim to alleviate
signs/symptoms or manage the health issue but be directed at preventing the occurrence of the chosen health
priority.Your chosen strategy should relate to one or more determinants of health speciÕc to the chosen health
DO NOT choose a large and complex government strategy over a number of years such as the Australian
National Diabetes Strategy as you will not be able to provide speciÕc details for part B. A simple and targeted
strategy will allow scope to address the three asked for elements below.
2. BrieÖy outline what your chosen strategy is.
You should include an argument of the importance of each of the following in relation to the success of the
strategy in preventing the health priority identiÕed.
· Collaboration
· Sustainability
· Capacity building
It is recommended that you use sub-headings for each of these to guide the reader to a focussed discussion.
Ensure that your arguments are supported by evidence from peer-reviewed articles as well as other sources
such as websites and government reports. You are encouraged to source the World Health Organization, and
other similar sites.
Please provide speciÕc details in relation to the strategy and the three asked for elements above, for example,
who, why, where and what.
3. Provide an introduction and conclusion for part B.
Assignment 3 Marking RubricPartA.docx
Assignment 3 Marking RubricPartBCV.docx
Submission status
Attempt number This is attempt 1.
Submission status No attempt
Due date Monday, 25 May 2020, 11:00 AM
Time remaining 37 days 21 hours
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