BMGT5015 Organisations in a New Zealand Context

BMGT5015 Organisations in a New Zealand Context


Organisations in a New Zealand Context
Assessment – Task 4
Analysis of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/ Treaty of
Waitangi Application in Business
Due Date: 27 May 2020, 12 midday
Weighting: 30%
Tutors: Julie Millar and Adele Carson
Learning outcomes assessed:
Learning Outcome 3
To analyse the bi-cultural nature of organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand
Case study application of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi
Many New Zealand organisations have obligations to take into account the principles of Te
Tiriti o Waitangi.
This is an individual assignment in which you will investigate the application of the Te Tiriti o
Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi (TOW) set of principles as outlined in 1988 by The Royal
Commission on Social Policy. These principles are partnership, participation and protection.
Research and construct a report which describes how TOW principles are considered at a
New Zealand electricity provider. See the separate sheet for the company you have been
allocated. Use information that is publicly available – do NOT contact the organisation, use
information from their website and other media.
Report structure:
Cover page
Content 2500 – 3000 words for these three sections
You report should include the following:

Explanation of the case study organisation. You may choose to include aspects such as their
background, location, purpose, service/product, goals and values
The relevance and importance of TOW principles. Note: describing the principles is not
Examples of TOW principles applied within your allocated organisation
The impact of the TOW principle inclusion
Also consider recommendations for further enhancement of TOW principle inclusion

Your report must be digitally uploaded via Moodle link by the due date and time specified. See
Moodle (Assessment section) and your Course Outline regarding late submission requests.
Your cover page should include:
Course name and alphanumeric code
Tutor name
Assessment name and number
Due date/time
Your student ID
Word count
Also include the course alphanumeric code and your student ID number in the footer of each
subsequent page.
Name your digital file: BMGT5015 T4 SurnameInitial. For example John Smith’s file will be named
BMGT5015 T4 SmithJ. Ensure you use the same name as your enrolment. If you have a similar name
to other students in the class please also include your student ID number.

BMGT5015 Organisations in a New Zealand Context
MARKING SCHEDULE: Assessment Task 4 – Report
The bi-cultural nature of organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand (100 marks)
Student Number: ……………………………………..
Marks: 10 8 5 3 0
Introduction Introduced the research topic with
an explanation of the wider
background. Provides the purpose
and objective of the report.
Good introduction, some
aspects omitted from the
explanation of the wider
Satisfactory. Explanation of
the wider background and
the purpose and objective
is too brief
Introduction is weak,
providing only a
limited frame for the
topic as a whole.
Introduction is
very weak, barely
providing a frame
for the topic as a
Conclusion Discussion of evidence which
supports the conclusion – a
restatement of key points
summarising TOW principles
applied to case study organisation.
Relates to the introduction. No
new ideas introduced.
Some key points omitted Half the key points in the
research topic are omitted
from the conclusion
Conclusion is weak,
providing only a
limited summary
Conclusion is too
brief and very
weak. Major gaps
in the restatement
of points.


Marks 10 8 5 3 0
presentation and
logical sequence of the research.
Outstanding in organisation. Could
follow with no difficulty
Good logical flow for the most
part but with some
anomalies. Is well organised.
Could follow with no difficulty
Reasonable flow but with
some problems with
Poor logical flow with
many anomalies and
multiple problems
with the construction.
Difficulty in
following. No
sense of flow or
Case Study
A varied range of facts provided to
explain the unique nature plus
general environment of the chosen
case study.
Some crucial information
Some depth provided
however many gaps in
supplied information
A lot of factual
evidence omitted of
the chosen case study
A shallow attempt
to provide context
coverage of topic
Essential points reveal a good
overall grasp of the topic with
excellent command of the detail
and subtlety of the arguments. No
essential points omitted.
Some material omitted. One
or two significant gaps and
misunderstandings with
limited grasp of detail.
A few points are brought
out but there are
significant major gaps,
errors and little grasp of
Poor coverage of the
Research Topic with
many aspects not
Very poor covering
nil – two aspects of
the topic only.
Depth of
understanding –
Correct model of principles used.
Inclusion or omission of principles
explained. Demonstrated
understanding of principle
relevance to chosen case study
Good critical analysis and
comment given. Good
command of the essential
points and arguments.
Reasonable critical analysis
and comment given.
Relevant arguments are
poorly related.
Poor critical analysis
and comment with
major omissions and
weak connections.
Very poor critical
analysis and
synthesis. No
balance between
discussion. No
Depth of
understanding –
Clear understanding of the impact
of principle application or omission
will have to case study context and
broader environment
A few gaps in understanding. Some gaps in
Many gaps in

Academic Writing:

Marks: 10 8 5 3 0
Quotations and references to
other works are accurately cited. A
minimum of 10 credible sources
are acknowledged
Thorough referencing. A few
errors with details.
Some gaps in referencing. Major gaps in referencing. Little attempt to reference. /10
Grammar and
English, including style, acronyms,
punctuation, capitalisation,
grammar and spelling are excellent
Satisfactory English, including
style and spelling. A few
More than a few errors Many errors Major errors in
grammar, style
and/or spelling.
A thoughtful layout to entice the
reader. Word Processing features
used to structure document which
includes but is not limited to cover
page, 1.5 line spacing and file
naming accuracy.
A few errors which may be
regarding page layout,
structural features, lack of
Multiple errors or
Many errors and
presentation has
poor visual

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