Comparative Essay Assignment

Comparative Essay Assignment


Comparative Essay Assignment

For this assignment, you should adapt the essay formula you learned last assignment to a comparative essay. Your essay will answer one of the following questions:

1. Compare the role of the ‘monster,’ alien or outsider in two of the following: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Beowulf, The Hobbit, War of the Worlds, “Reason,” and Frankenstein.

2. Discuss the depiction or concept of good in two of the following: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Beowulf, The Hobbit, “Star Wars,” “Reason,” “War of the Worlds” or Frankenstein.

The important thing in a comparative essay is to push to a “so what” – what does this add up to? – rather than just listing traits they have in common or that are different. Ask yourself, what can we see in the Creature when we put him next to Voldemort (or Darth Vader, or QT, or the dragon) that we wouldn’t be able to perceive otherwise, and vice versa? What does an analysis of the nature of good in HP allow us to understand about the nature of good in Star Wars, or The Hobbit, or Beowulf? In other words, why are you comparing these two figures/things/themes?

3. Consider the depiction of education and learning in two of the following: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, “Reason,” or Frankenstein.

You will need to narrow your focus in answering this question, and develop a workable thesis.

Comparative essays can be structured in two ways. Select one of the following structures in writing your essay.

Structure 1: Block (evidences from the book you chose. For example what quotes etc…)

Introduction Introduction and hook narrowing to Thesis statement: (Work X) and (Work Y) are _________(main argument)_________________ because of ­­­­­­­­_______________(1)_____________, ______________________(2) ______________ and ______(3)____________________.
Block A Work X is _____________________________.
Topic sentence (1A) Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (1A)
Topic sentence (2A) Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (2A)
Topic sentence (3A) Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (3A)
Block B Work Y is ___________________________.
Topic sentence (1B) Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (1B)
Topic sentence (2B) Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (2B)
Topic sentence (3B) Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (3B)
Conclusion Restatement of thesis Broadening back out

Structure 2: Flip-Flop

Introduction Introduction and hook narrowing to Thesis statement: (Work X) and (Work Y) are _________(main argument)_________________ because of ­­­­­­­­_______________(1)_____________, ______________________(2) ______________ and ______(3)____________________.
Argument 1 Work X and Work Y are ___________(1)__________________.
Topic sentence (1A): Work X Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (1A)
Topic sentence (1B): Work Y Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (1B)
Argument 2 Work X and Work Y are ___________(2)__________________.
Topic sentence (2A): Work X Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (2A)
Topic sentence (2B): Work Y Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (2B)
Argument 3 Work X and Work Y are ___________(3)__________________.
Topic sentence (3A): Work X Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (3A)
Topic sentence (3B): Work Y Evidence a b c d (etc.) Concluding sentence (3B)
Conclusion Restate thesis and broaden back out

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