CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children
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Clustered Knowledge Assessment
Name of the cluster
Health Cluster
Unit code, name and release number
CHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children (2)
CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks (2)
Qualification/Course code, name and release number
CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (4)
Student details
Student number
Student name
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Version: 1.0
For queries, please contact:
Health, Wellbeing and Community Services SkillsPoint
Crn Buttle & Macquoid Streets
Queanbeyan NSW 2620
© 2019 TAFE NSW, Sydney
RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2019, and should not be reproduced without the
permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time of printing: 14
February 2020. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.
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Assessment instructions
Assessment details | Instructions |
Assessment overview | The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge of and ability to facilitate: • The health and safety of children; • Promote and prepare healthy food and drink for children. |
Assessment Event number |
1 of 2 |
Instructions for this assessment |
This is a written assessment and will be assessing you on your knowledge of the 2 units in the cluster. This assessment is in 3 parts and includes an Evidence Guide (marking tool). 1. Scenario 1 – Health & Safety (14 questions) 2. Scenario 2 – Healthy Food and Drinks (8 questions) 3. Evidence Guide Detailed instruction for the assessment part is contained at the beginning of the assessment and includes: • Assessment task introduction • When the assessment task must take place • Where the assessment task will take place • Resources and equipment required to complete the assessment task • Specific assessment conditions (where required) You must read the entire document before commencing your assessment so you are aware of all requirements. |
Submission instructions |
On completion of this assessment, you are required to upload it as per the instructions on your Online Learning Support (OLS). It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE. |
Conditions of Assessment |
Assessment conditions will require you to: |
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Assessment details | Instructions |
• Read the learning resources on the Online Learning support (OLS) • Complete and submit your written assessment onto the Online Learning Support (OLS) Assessment must ensure the use of: • National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care • The relevant approved learning framework under the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care. Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors. |
What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result? |
To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment, all questions must be answered correctly. You must ensure your assessment responses are written in your own words (unless otherwise specified), include APA referencing where required You must adhere to the word count requirements where specified. |
What do I need to provide? |
Computer and internet access |
Due date and time allowed |
Due Date: Refer to your individual training plan on the OLS Venue: To be completed online. Note: This assessment may be completed and submitted prior to the commencement of work placement. |
Supervision | The marking teacher may ask for additional evidence to verify the authenticity of your submission and confirm that the assessment task was completed by you. |
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Assessment details | Instructions |
Assessment feedback, review or appeals |
In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment. If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer. Contact your Head Teacher for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus. |
Part 1: Health and Safety
Introduction: To complete this assessment part the student must read the sleep, rest and
relaxation scenario and respond to four short answer questions that relate to the scenario,
and a further ten short answer questions that relate to:
• communication with families and
• medication authorisations
Sleep, rest and relaxation scenario
Max is a 3-year-old boy who attends your education and care service.
He is in the preschool room (3-5-year-old children) and attends four days per week.
Max has a sister, Bella (12.5 months) who also attends the service in the 0-2’s room on
Wednesday and Thursday.
Max is an out-going child.
Max is severely allergic to peanuts. The education and care service is a nut-free service and
has policies and procedures in place to implement this, including an Anaphylaxis Action Plan
for Max.
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Max’s mum has told educators that he has stopped having a sleep during the day and to not
allow him to fall asleep as it greatly disrupts his night-time sleeping and leads to him being
overtired the following day.
Max typically gets tired towards the end of the day. Max says to the educators “I don’t have
a sleep in the day anymore” and asks, “Do I have to lie down?”
1. a. Based on Max’s mother’s recent discussions of his sleep & rest preferences:
i. | Describe how you can support Max to include rest and relaxation in his day whilst respecting his parents’ wishes and the needs of the other children in the room. Include how you would respond to Max’s question “Do I have to lie down?” |
ii. |
(50 -75 words)
b. Access the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and identify one learning outcome
and sub-element that supports your response to question 1a.
Learning Outcome | Sub element |
c. Access the EYLF and identify one principle that related to this scenario
Principle |
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d. Identify two United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child articles that detail
children’s rights around play, rest and education.
United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child
2. Describe how you would set up the sleep and rest environment for the Max and the
children who sleep and rest in the 3-5 room?
In your response discuss how you would address the following:
a. Lighting
b. Noise
c. Temperature
d. Ventilation
(50-100 words)
3. Identify three quiet play experiences to offer Max during the 3-5 room’s sleep and rest
routine and explain your choices (20-40 words for each experience)
Quiet play experience 1: Reason for choice: |
Quiet play experience 2: Reason for choice: |
Quiet play experience 3: Reason for choice: |
4. Detail how the educators in the 0-2’s room would meet Max’s sister, Bella’s needs for
sleep and rest. Include how this meets the safe sleeping approved standards. (100-150
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5. Open, honest communication between educators and families is an essential part of
quality education and care practices. (30-50 words)
a. Describe two reasons why it is important to have regular written and/or verbal
communication with children’s families about their sleep, rest and relaxation
whilst in care. (30-50 words)
1. |
2. |
b. Identify three strategies to share information with children’s families about rest.
(10-20 words for each strategy)
1. |
2. |
3. |
c. Identify the National Quality Area, Standard and Element and the Early Years
Learning Framework Practice this relates to.
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National Quality Area: National Quality Standard: Element: |
Early Years Learning Framework Practice: |
d. Identify points from the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics that detail
values around safety for children and sharing information with families.
ECA Code of ethics
6. You are one of the three educators supervising 25 children, aged 3-5 years, in the
outdoor environment. See below for outdoor environment plan. Based on the outdoor
environment plan:
a. Identify where staff must be positioned to ensure effective supervision and that all
children are in sight.
b. Identify level of supervision (high, medium, low) and explain why you have chosen
these positions (10-20 words for each area)
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Educator 1 | Position in outdoor area: Level of supervision: |
Explanation: |
Educator 2 | Position in outdoor area: Level of supervision: |
Explanation: |
Educator 3 | Position in outdoor area: Level of supervision: |
Explanation: |
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7. a. During the morning you decide to include water play as an experience. Identify what
you will you need to consider with regards to supervision and why? (30-50 words)
b. List three strategies to achieve active supervision of a group of children engaged in
free play outdoors? (10-20 words for each strategy)
1. |
2. |
3. |
c. During the afternoon departure routine, 15 toddlers and pre-schoolers are indoors in
the one room as numbers have decreased as children are being collected at the end
of the day.
This afternoon, there is a bead threading activity on a table which will require careful
supervision. One toddler is known to eat the beads and put them into their ear. This
creates a dynamic change amongst children in the group who wish to follow his lead.
Describe how you will adjust your levels of supervisions within this indoor area for
the differing skill level, dynamics and age differences between the toddlers and preschoolers
(50-100 words)
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8. During outdoor play the front doorbell rings. You go to answer the door. A lady is there
and states she is here to pick up Max. You have never seen her before. She says her
name is Pam, Max’s grandmother, who has just arrived from Adelaide for a long
a. Describe how you will communicate with the other educators in the outdoor area
before you leave the area to ensure adequate supervision of the children in this area.
(25-50 words)
b. Describe your response to Pam’s request to pick up Max and detail the steps you will
take to ensure Max is collected from the service safely. (25-50 words)
9. Max is sitting quietly inside, and you go over to him. You notice that he is breathing
heavily, his face looks swollen and he has a rash on his neck. Many children have arrived
at the service in the last ½ hour and you notice an opened muesli bar in front of the
a. Identify what these symptoms are most likely indicating
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b. Identify the staffing qualifications listed in the Education and Care Regulations*that
are required to assist in the management of children with anaphylaxis
c. Detail what the Education and Care Services Regulations* require regarding reporting
of an allergic reaction (20 – 50 words)
d. Consult Max’s Action Plan (see below) and identify what steps need to be taken to
respond to Max? (50-75 words)
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e. Max’s required medication as stated on his allergy management action plan is
adrenaline autoinjector (EpiPen). Detail the four steps required to administer this
medication to Max.
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f. Identify three strategies to minimise the risk of future anaphylactic reactions, include
minimising the risk at:
i. arrival time and
ii. mealtimes
(50 -100 words)
g. Describe the signs/symptoms and key characteristics of two other types of allergies
children may present within a service (30-50 words for each sign/ symptom and
Allergy name | Signs and symptoms | Characteristic of the allergy |
10. During outdoor play you notice a friend of Max’s, Pia, sitting quietly. When you go over
to her Pia appears to be short of breath and you can hear a whistling sound as she is
breathing. You ask her what is wrong, and she says she can’t breathe properly, and her
chest is sore.
a. Identify what these symptoms are most likely indicating.
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b. If you believed Pia was having an asthma attack, describe how you will
immediately respond to Pia:
i. ii. iii. (50 – 100 words) |
listing all steps you would carry out identifying the document you would refer to who you would communicate with |
c. Pia has been prescribed Ventolin (as detailed in her asthma management plan)
that can be provided during an asthma attack. Based on Asthma Management
Guidelines explain the steps you would take to safely administer Ventolin to Pia
asthma management guidelines including the use of a spacer.
(50 – 100 words)
d. List three common asthma triggers. (25-50 words)
e. According to the Education and Care Services National Regulations*, if a child is
enrolled in an education and care service with an allergy or medical condition:
i. ii. |
what policy must the service provide families with and what document/plan must a family provide to the service |
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Policy: |
Document/ Plan: |
11. Max is in the bathroom. He needs to go to the toilet but still needs assistance to be able
to complete all of the steps. He is wearing jeans and a belt today and he is not able to
undo the belt on his own. Max is not able to undress quickly enough, and he wets his
a. Provide a short transcript of a conversation you might have with Max about health
and hygiene, that includes (or focuses on) handwashing and using the toilet (75-125
b. Describe how you would respect his privacy? (50 – 100 words)
c. Detail two suggestions you could make to Max’s mum about suitable clothing needs
for Max as he learns to comfortably and safely use the toilet. (20 – 30 words)
1. |
2. |
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12. For the five items listed below complete a risk analysis to identify potential hazards for
children and how to minimise the risk (20-30 words for each risk and reporting
Equipment or Toy | Potential hazard | Minimise risk |
Cars and trucks | ||
Glue | ||
Beads | ||
Outdoor climbing equipment |
Sand pit |
13.Education and care services are able to provide educational information to families of
young children related to safety in the home environment.
I. II. III. |
label the pictures below explain the likely location of these items in a home explain how to maintain these to minimise fire injury and prevent fatality. (30-40 words for location and how to maintain) |
Equipment | Label picture | Location | How to maintain |
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13. Using the Fire and Rescue NSW Government site as a reference,
a. Identify three behaviours that contribute to fire injuries and fatalities. (20-30
words total)
1. |
2. |
3. |
b. Identify three high-risk groups of people who are more vulnerable to injury or death
as a result of fires.
1. |
2. |
3. |
*The Education and Care Services National Regulations are a component of the National
Quality Framework
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Part 2- Healthy food and drinks
Introduction: To complete this assessment part, using the nutrition and meal planning
scenario, respond to eight short answer questions related to:
• promoting healthy eating,
• planning food and drinks that are nutritious and appropriate for each child and
• maintaining food safety during food handling
Nutrition and Menu Planning Scenario
As an educator at Happy Days Early Learning Centre you have an important role in
promoting healthy eating, food safety and food hygiene habits.
Your service provides care for seventy children at present, including ten infants aged between
six to twelve months and sixty children aged between twelve months to five years.
The cook has developed a two-week cycle menu, week one has been approved and accepted
although week two is only a draft. The cook has asked you to assist in developing the week
two menu according to the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and Get up and Grow: Healthy
Eating and Physical Activity Early Childhood resources ensure the menu provides a nutritious
and balanced diet for all of the infants and children at the service.
The cook has also identified cultural and dietary requirements for some children which needs
to be added to the menu. Alex attends Wednesday and is vegetarian but is able to eat eggs
and dairy, Martha attends Wednesday and Friday and is lactose intolerant and Muhammad
attends Thursday and Friday and is Muslim and does not eat pork or pork products.
This two-week cycle menu will then be displayed on the notice board at the service. All cycle
menus are also displayed in the service’s monthly newsletter for parents/guardians to view
and provide additional advice about their child’s dietary requirements, likes, dislikes and any
cultural or other requirements families have regarding their child’s nutrition.
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1. Below is a two-week cycle menu.
Week 1 has been completed by the cook.
a. Use your understanding of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating to complete
Week 2 of the menu plan. In the Week 2 table below, complete the menu by:
i. ii. iii. |
Filling in the blank spaces Completing the daily food servings section Listing the cultural and dietary requirements for the children listed in the menu plan |
[Completed by Cook] Week 1 – Happy Days Long Day Care Centre Cycle Menu
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Morning Tea | |||||
Infants | Pureed fruit/ or raisin toast |
Infant (rice) cereal/Mashed banana |
Pureed/mashed fruit |
Rice cereal | Mashed fruit |
Toddlers & Pre schoolers |
Raisin toast | Homemade banana & pear muffin |
Date scone with butter |
Pikelets with toppings |
Fruit platter |
Drink | Milk/water | Milk/water | Milk/water | Milk/water | Milk/water |
Lunch – main meal |
Infants | Pasta with pureed/mashed vegetables and cheese |
Roast lamb and vegetables pureed |
Pureed/ mashed vegetables and chicken |
Pureed/mashed tuna pasta bake and vegetables |
Steamed mashed vegetables with rice |
Toddlers & Pre schoolers |
Spaghetti Bolognaise with side salad |
Roast lamb, roast vegetables with steamed beans |
Vegetarian mini pizzas |
Tuna pasta bake with steamed broccoli and carrot |
Beef and vegetable stir fry with steamed rice |
Dessert | Fresh fruit & yoghurt |
Fresh fruit and custard |
Apple crumble with ice cream |
Watermelon ice pops |
Bread and butter pudding (with sultanas) |
Drink | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water |
Afternoon Tea | |||||
Infants | Cheese cubes | Yoghurt | Custard | Mashed fruit | Yoghurt |
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Toddlers & Pre schoolers |
Cheese and crackers | English muffin with tomato & cheese |
Hummus with Lebanese bread, carrot and celery sticks |
Water crackers with avocado, cheese and tomato |
Avocado dip with rice crackers, carrot and celery sticks |
Drink | Fruit smoothie/water |
Milk/water | Milk/water | Milk/water | Milk/water | |||||
Daily food group serves (count total average food serve for each group, NOT INCLUDING INFANT CHOICES) |
Fruit | 2 | Fruit | 4 | Fruit | 2 | Fruit | 3 | Fruit | 4 |
Veg | 2 | Veg | 5 | Veg | 2 | Veg | 2 | Veg | 4 | |
Grain (Cereal)- |
3 | Grain (Cereal) |
4 | Grain (Cereal) |
4 | Grain (Cereal) |
2 | Grain (Cereal) |
3 | |
Dairy- | 4 | Dairy | 2 | Dairy | 3 | Dairy | 5 | Dairy | 3 | |
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes & beans |
1 | Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes & beans |
1 | Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes & beans |
1 | Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes & beans |
2 | Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes & beans |
1 | |
Water | 3 | Water | 3 | Water | 3 | Water | 3 | Water | 3 | |
Special dietary needs e.g. Religious / cultural /dietary/ food allergy and intolerances |
Martha – Lactose free milk. No butter. Lactose free ice cream. Lactose free cheese on pizza. Alex – Vegetarian option for all meals |
Muhammad – No pork |
Martha – Lactose free milk. No butter. Muhammad – No pork |
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[To be completed] Week 2 – Happy Days Long Day Care Centre Cycle Menu
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Morning Tea | |||||
Infants | Soft fruit platter e.g. banana, watermelon, soft pear |
Mashed banana | Mashed fruit/ Raisin toast |
Toddlers & Pre schoolers |
Wholegrain toasted crumpet with banana/honey |
Fruit faces (fresh & dried fruit) |
Raisin toast | ||
Drink | Milk/water | Milk/water | Milk/water | Milk/water | Milk/water |
Lunch – main meal |
Infants | Steamed vegetables/cheese with pasta |
Pureed savoury mince and rice |
Pasta with vegetables and cheese |
Steamed mashed vegetables with kidney beans and rice |
Toddlers & Pre schoolers |
Zucchini slice with rice |
Beef pattie on wholemeal roll and salad/cheese |
Beef Tacos with salsa |
Beef lasagne with steamed vegetables |
Dessert | Watermelon slices | Yoghurt with fresh fruit jelly |
Drink | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water |
Afternoon Tea | |||||
Infants | Yoghurt and mashed fruit |
Mashed fruit | Yoghurt | ||
Toddlers & Pre schoolers |
Wholegrain crackers and hummus dip |
Lebanese bread, cottage cheese & grated carrot |
Ribbon wholemeal sandwiches with tomato & cucumber |
Salmon & cream cheese dip with pita bread & carrot sticks |
Drink | Fruit smoothie/water |
Milk/water | Milk/water | Milk/water | Milk/water |
Daily food group serves (count total average food serve for each group, NOT INCLUDING |
Fruit | Fruit | Fruit | Fruit | Fruit |
Veg | Veg | Veg | Veg | Veg | |
Grain (Cereal) |
Grain (Cereal) |
Grain (Cereal) |
Grain (Cereal) |
Grain (Cereal) |
Dairy | Dairy- | Dairy- | Dairy- | Dairy |
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Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes & beans |
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes & beans |
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes & beans |
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes & beans |
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes & beans |
Water | Water | Water | Water | Water |
Special dietary needs e.g. Religious / cultural /dietary/ food allergy and intolerances |
Martha Alex |
Muhammad | Martha Muhammad |
b. Access the National Quality Standard and the EYLF and identify:
i. one National Quality Area
ii. one Standard
iii. iv. v. |
one Element one EYLF learning outcome and one sub element |
That are relevant to your menu and promoting healthy eating and ensuring that food
and drinks provided are nutritious, appropriate for each child and prepared in a safe
and hygienic manner.
i. National Quality Area |
ii. Standard |
iii. Element |
iv. EYLF Learning outcome |
v. Sub element |
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2. a. Discuss why it is necessary to have a separate menu for infants (0 – 12months). Include
how this meets the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating dietary guidelines. (30-60 words)
b. For each age group below identify two examples of age-appropriate types of foods.
Birth – around 6 months |
1. 2. |
6 – 12 months |
1. 2. |
12 months + | 1. 2. |
3. a. Explain how Article 24 of the UN Rights of the Child relates to providing food in a
Children’s Education and Care Service (20 – 40 words)
b. The Code of Ethics states we should “Create and maintain safe, healthy, inclusive
environments that support children’s agency and enhance their learning”.
Explain how this relates to providing safe, healthy food in a Children’s Education and
Care Service. (20 – 40 words)
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c. Identify three ways to provide education and support to families around healthy
eating. (30-60 words)
1. |
2. |
3. |
d. Explain why water is an important daily requirement for children (20-40 words)
e. Identify what the Early Childhood Education and Care Regulations* state regarding
the provision or water for children. (20-40 words)
f. Identify how to ensure that children have ready access to water between mealtimes?
(20-40 words)
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4. a. List five foods that commonly cause allergic reactions.
Food allergy
Food intolerance
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
b. Food intolerance is different to food allergies.
i. ii. (20-40 words) |
Describe what food intolerance is and list three symptoms |
Food intolerance is |
1. |
2. |
3. |
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c. Describe two strategies educators can use to reduce the risk of children being
exposed to foods they are allergic to (20 – 40 words)
1. |
2. |
5. The cook has gone home for the day and you find a bowl of rice and chicken prepared for
tomorrow’s lunch has been left out on the bench for at least four hours.
a. Identify what will have happened with the microorganisms in the food during this
time? (20-40 words)
b. Following safe food handling guidelines, what should you do with the chicken
and rice? (20-40 words)
6. Detail food safety procedures a service would develop and maintain for when working in
the kitchen and preparing the menu for children at the service. In your response, include the
procedures for:
i. ii. iii. iv. |
hygiene, temperature control, equipment usage, food storage to prevent microorganism cross contamination and |
v. minimising allergic reactions
(20-40 words for each)
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i. ii. iii. iv v |
7. Nutrition can affect mood and behaviour. List five effects of poor nutrition in children (30
– 60 words)
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
8. a. Define tooth decay (20-40 words)
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b. Describe what the consequences of tooth decay are for children’s oral health
(20-40 words)
c. Explain why ‘swish and swallow’ is an important dental hygiene routine and
describe how you would discuss this routine with children (20-40 words)
*The Early Childhood Education and Care Regulations are a component of the National
Quality Framework
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This Evidence Guide will be completed by the assessor when marking your assessment.
Evidence Guide Part 1 – Health and Safety Scenario |
Course | CHC50113 | Unit | CHCECE002 CHCECE004 |
Task | Knowledge Assessment 1 of 2 |
Student Name | Student Number | ||||
Essential skills & knowledge | S | U | Assessor comments | ||
Student described how to support Max to include rest and relaxation in his day whilst respecting his parents’ wishes and the needs of the other children in the room and responded to Max’s question “Do I have to lie down?” [Part 1: Q1a i, ii] |
Student identified one (1) learning outcome and sub-element from the Early Years Learning Framework that supported response to question 1a |
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Student identified one (1) principle from the Early Years Learning Framework that related to this scenario [Part 1: Q1b, c] |
Student identified two United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child articles that detail children’s rights around play, rest and education. [Part 1: Q1d] |
Student described set up of the sleep and rest environment for the Max and the children who sleep and rest in the 3-5 room? Considered lighting, noise, temperature and ventilation. [Part 1: Q2] |
Student identified three quiet play experiences to offer to Max during the 3-5 room’s sleep and rest routine and explained choices [Part 1: Q3] |
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Student detailed how the educators in the 0-2’s room would meet Max’s sister, Bella’s needs for sleep and rest. Included how this meets the safe sleeping approved standards. [Part 1: Q4] |
Student described two reasons why it is important to have regular written and/or verbal communication with children’s families about their sleep, rest and relaxation whilst in care. Identified three strategies to share information with children’s families about rest. Identified the National Quality Area, Standard and Element and the Early Years Learning Framework Practice this relates to. Student Identified points from the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics that detail values around safety for children and sharing information with families. |
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[Part1: Q5, a-d] |
Student used outdoor environment plan and identified where staff must be positioned to ensure effective supervision and that all children are in sight and explained chosen positions [Part 1: Q6a, b] |
Student identified water play supervision considerations Student listed three strategies for active supervision of a group of children engaged in fee play outdoors Student described supervision level adjustment required in indoor area to adjust to differing skills level, dynamic and ages difference between toddlers and pre-schoolers [Part 1: Q7a-c] |
Student described safe collection of children including communication with the other educators in the outdoor |
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area before you leave the area to ensure adequate supervision of the children in this area Student described response to Max’s grandmother Student described steps to ensure Max is collected from the service safely [Part 1: Q8a-b] |
Student identified what Max’s symptoms are most likely indicating Student identified the staffing qualifications that are required to assist in the management of children with anaphylaxis Student detailed what the Education and Care regulations require regarding reporting of an allergic reaction Student consulted Max’s Action Plan and identified what steps need to be taken to respond to Max? |
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Student details how the required medication would be administered to Max. Student identified three strategies to minimise the risk of future anaphylactic reactions, include minimising the risk at arrival time and mealtimes. Student described the signs/symptoms and key characteristics of two other types of allergies children may present within a service [Part 1: Q9a-g] |
Student identified what Pia’s symptoms are most likely indicating Student identified how to respond to Pia including document to refer to and who to communicate with Student detailed how to administer the required medication (Ventolin) to Pia, according to asthma management guidelines including the use of a spacer. |
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Student listed three common asthma triggers Student identified, according to the Education and Care Services National Regulations, for a child enrolled with an allergy or medical condition i. the policy the service must provide the family and ii. the document/ plan that the family must provide to the service. [Part1: Q10a-e] |
Student described how to support Max to learn the hygiene steps of handwashing and using the toilet? Included a conversation with Max to discuss health and hygiene. Student described how to respect Max’s privacy Student detailed two suggestions you could make to Max’s mum about more |
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suitable clothing for Max as he learns to use the toilet. [Part 1: Q12a-c] |
Student completed a risk analysis of five items identify potential hazards for children and how to minimise the risk [Part 1: Q12] |
Student labelled pictures and explained location of these in a home and how to maintain these to minimise fire injury and prevent fatality. [Part 1: Q13] |
Student identified three behaviours that contribute to dire injuries and fatalities. Student identified three high risk groups of people who are more vulnerable to injury or death as a result to fires [Part 1: Q14a, b] |
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Evidence Guide Part 2 – Healthy Food and Drinks Scenario |
Course | CHC50113 | Unit | CHCECE002 CHCECE004 |
Task | Knowledge Assessment 1 of 2 |
Student Name | Student Number | ||||
Essential skills & knowledge | S | U | Assessor comments | ||
Student used understanding of the Australian Dietary Guidelines, Infant Feeding Guidelines, the five food groups, Get up and Grow -Healthy eating and physical activity for early childhood and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating circle to complete Week 2 menu Student identified I. One National Quality Area II. one Standard III. one Element IV. one EYLF learning outcome and |
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V. one sub element relevant to promoting healthy eating and ensuring that food and drinks provided are nutritious, appropriate for each child and prepared in a safe and hygienic manner. [Part 2: Q1a, b] |
Student discussed why it is necessary to have a separate menu for infants (0 – 12months). Include how this meets the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating dietary guidelines. Student identified two examples of age-appropriate types of foods. [Part 1: Q2a, b] |
Student explained how Article 24 of the UN Rights of the Child relates to providing food in a Children’s Education and Care Service Student explained how Code of Ethics “Create and maintain safe, healthy, |
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inclusive environments that support children’s agency and enhance their learning” relates to providing safe, healthy food in a Children’s Education and Care Service. Student identified three ways to provide education and support to families around healthy eating. Student explained why water is an important daily requirement for children Student Identified what the Early Childhood Education and Care Regulations state regarding the provision or water for children. Student identified how to ensure children have ready access to water between meals [Part 2: Q3a-f] |
Student listed five foods that commonly cause allergic reactions |
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Student described food intolerance and listed three symptoms Student described two strategies educators can use to reduce the risk of children being exposed to foods they are allergic to [Part 2: Q4a-c] |
Student identified what happens to food that has been left out on the bench for at least four hours Student identified safe food guidelines for handling chicken and rice [Part 1: Q5a, b] |
Student detailed food safety procedures to develop and maintain when working in the kitchen and preparing the menu for children at the service. Included information about I. hygiene, II. temperature control, III. equipment usage, |
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IV. food storage to prevent microorganism cross contamination and V. minimising allergic reactions. [Part2: Q6] |
Student explained five effects of poor nutrition in children [Part 2: Q7] |
Student defined tooth decay Student descried consequence of tooth decay for children’s oral health Student detailed the importance of using water to ‘swish and swallow’ as a dental hygiene routine and how you would discuss this with children [Part 2: Q8a-c] |
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Assessment Feedback
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☐ Unsatisfactory
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Assessment outcome
☐ Satisfactory
☐ Unsatisfactory
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☐ Was a reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.
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