Put a creative title to your paper. Do not exceed the 1200-word limit extension. Use Chicago
style footnotes. List your references at the end of the paper.
Many objects of quotidian use in Spanish America had artistic elements or patterns that
confirmed cultural (artistic, commercial, political, etc.) influences from the Old World. How
does the collection of the Franz Mayer Museum illustrate the beginnings of the globalization
process in early modern times? Provide support from both the reading and the art collection
sample. DO NOT USE any additional sources.
Materials for Paper 1
Hector Rivero Borrell, Gustavo Curiel, Antonio Rubial García, Juana Gutiérrez Haces, and David B. Warren. The Grandeur of Viceregal Mexico: Treasures from the Museo Franz Mayer.Mexico City: Museo Franz Mayer, 2002. PDF
Edward R. Slack, “Orientalizing New Spain: Perspectives on Asian Influence in Colonial Mexico.” Análisis 15, 42 (2012): 97-127Preview the document.
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