based on analysis and evidence
Your reply should state a single thesis, and your explanation should be based on analysis and evidence. You must use, analyze, and cite specific examples from the readings to support your claims. Keep in mind, however, that while you may draw from lectures and readings in presenting your argument, you must explain in your own words your understanding of the issues. You may approach each of the questions in any way you choose, but remember; this is not a summary, but a critical analysis/reflection! Be sure to address all questions within the prompt that you select. DO NOT DO OUTSIDE RESEARCH FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA AND DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE INTERNET. PLAGIARISM WILL RESULT IN A FAILING SCORE. Use the required books Rodolfo Acua, Occupied America: A History of Chicanos., (Pearson, 6th , 7th or 8th Ed) – chapter 1 David Carrasco, Religions of Mesoamerica (Waveland Press, 2nd Edition) – chapter 1,2,3,4 Howard Zinn, A Peoples History of the United States., (Harper Perennial Classics, 2005) – chapter 1 and notes (will upload MY notes file in my account) only as your supportive evidence. The following is a checklist that you can help you complete what I am looking for. My paper is/has: A cover page with my name, class/section, assignment, professor names, and date The central question typed at the beginning of each essay single spaced. Formatted with 1 margins all around Double-spaced Typed with 12-point Times New Roman Font Numbered on all pages Submitted as ONE FILE (doc., docx, or pdf) Spell-checked Carefully edited and proof-read Followed the list of Rules for Formal Essays (no second person, no contractions, etc.) Proper citations for all quotes/ideas from readings/lecture (In-text citations…example.-“Acuna, pg. 35”). A clear thesis, response to question and supporting evidence from readings/lecture A clear introduction, body and conclusion and clear paragraph structure. Coherent and follows a clear structure. Self Evaluation typed at the end of your 2nd essay.
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