Bibliography- slaves escape | Biology homework help

Bibliography- slaves escape | Biology homework help


I need original Annotated Bibliography for 4 sources: (please see attached document for instructions)
Primary Sources
1. The Fugitive Slave Act
2. Levi Coffin’s Underground Railroad Station
Secondary Source
1. Stanley Harrold, “On the Borders of Slavery and Race: Charles T. Torrey and the Underground Railroad”
2. Gayle T. Tate, “Free Black Resistance in the Antebellum Era, 1830 to 1860”

 Hello! I’m going to be writing a paper about Underground Railroad served as a way for abolitionists to help runway slaves escape to areas where they could be free. I haven’t started my paper yet. The first thing our professor wants is to write the annotated bibliography.

I need an ORIGINAL (your own words) Annotated Bibliography for these 4 sources see below.


1. Each annotation should consist 2 paragraphs (100 words each paragraph)

2. First paragraph will consist of summarizing and analyzing the source – Create a short summary of the source that identifies basics, such as the author, when it was created, and the topics or main ideas presented in it. Your paragraph should also include some analysis of the source. What kind of document is it, and what is the point of the piece? Why was the document created? If you are including an image as one of your sources, describe the important features of it.

3. Second paragraph will consist of evaluating the source – evaluate each document to determine how it can be combined or synthesized with other sources to form an interpretation or story. The story, or interpretation, that your documents and artifacts suggest is what you will develop into the thesis of your paper. Once you have that story in mind, you can evaluate the relevance of each of the sources and how each one will be used in your paper. This needs to be clearly stated in the second paragraph of each annotation. (Since I haven’t started my paper please think of something for this; pretend you are going to write this paper. Whatever you write, I will develop it into the thesis and how each one will be used in my paper)

Here are the sources:

Primary Sources

1. The Fugitive Slave Act

2. Levi Coffin’s Underground Railroad Station

Secondary Source

1. Stanley Harrold, “On the Borders of Slavery and Race: Charles T. Torrey and the Underground Railroad”

2. Gayle T. Tate, “Free Black Resistance in the Antebellum Era, 1830 to 1860”



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