NURS 330 Health Literacy & Patient Education Term Project
NURS 330 Health Literacy & Patient Education Term Project
Healthcare Policy and Informatics to vague. Instead, select a specific item on the website such as hypertension information
education that is based on an understanding of health literacy. Learners will explore health literacy
and critically evaluate an online educational item.
This should be a patient education website. Learners pic a website. Pick a specific website. For example select hypertention at Mayo instead of just Mayo. It is easier to do this assignment on a specific patient education website (not an overall website).
Use the Readability Tool to determine readability levels.
Use the framework at NIH: Evaluating Health Information on the Internet for your appraisal
Learners will then create a PowerPoint Presentation that addresses health literacy issues and provide a critique of an online educational item. All the information is to be supported by current research and references must be listed (have a reference list at the end of the PowerPoint). For this assignment, cite the website, the Readability Test Tool, and at least one journal article. For detailed information, see the grading rubric.
***Be sure to cite and reference all sources! Intext citations occur with the information being reported on the slides. The matching full references should be found on a reference list at the end of the PowerPoint.***
Post the Health Literacy and Patient Education Project to two locations:
Added to the student portfolio by Sunday at 11:59 pm**
In the courseroom assignment drop box by Sunday at 11:59 pm**
Criteria to earn points for Health Literacy and Patient Education Website Critique
PowerPoint Title Page with Project Title and Author Name(s)
Include an introduction/purpose slide. Tell the viewer that you will examine health literacy topics and critique an online patient education material (identify the name of the online patient education material you will critique) using the Finding Quality Information framework at NIH. Cite any evidence from the literature and be sure you have a matching reference on the reference page.
Use speaker notes for information so that you do not overcrowd the PowerPoint slide.
In the introduction or next slide, tell the reader you are critiquing a patient education website.
Provide the URL address to the website you are critiquing in the introduction.
Identify the intended population for the online patient education material you will critique.
For example, if the patient education material is about scoliosis, describe the population the information is intended for—in this case parents of teenagers and teenagers may be the population.
Literacy—define what literacy means
Health Literacy—define what health literacy means
Describe the connection between literacy and health literacy in your specific population—what are literacy and health literacy levels (be sure to say how this is different) for your population.
For the website you are critiquing, use the Readability Tool to check it for readability levels.
Go to: The Readability Test Tool
Enter the URL of the patient education material you are critiquing. Click Calculate Readability to receive a report
In your PowerPoint, report the
Average reading grade level
The age reading level
Tell what Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease means and what the score is for the patient education material—is this appropriate for your population?
Explain what Flesch Kincaid Grade Level means and what the score is for the patient education material—is this appropriate for your population?
Explain what Automated Readability Index (ARI) means and what the score is for the patient education material—is this appropriate for your population?
NURS 330 Health Literacy & Patient Education Term Project
Use the framework at NIH: Evaluating Health Information on the Internet for your appraisal
Include the following sections in your appraisal: Answer the questions to help you with your appraisal.
You can use the NIH prompts to help you answer the following questions in a summary format
Date of issue or revision. Is it current? Is it up to date? What is the latest date noted on the site?
Credentials of source: Whose name is on it and/or who runs the website?
Is there any bias or sponsorship, such as commercial uses of the website? Look for any advertisements. If there are advertisements, do you see any bias? Is the information tainted to sell a product?
Accuracy and Evidence. Is the information accurate? Who is the intended audience? Is the information appropriate for the intended audience? Is there a disclaimer on the webpage about seeking medical advice or fact/fiction?
Multimedia or applications. Do the multimedia/application tools work? Are you able to navigate the website easily? Is the website well organized and the hyperlinks work?
Other links, tools, and resources. Does it work with any other tools and resources? Are there links to other websites?
Protection and Security. Is it secure? How are user interactions managed? What information does the website collect? Does it protect your privacy? Look for privacy policies—sometimes there are found at the bottom of the webpage. Are users able to post to the website or ask a question? Look for an area that says “Contact us”
Summarize two to three points of the overall presentation on a Summary Slide
Next is the Reference Page. Use the centered heading: References, but APA does not bold this heading. References should be scholarly and credible. For this assignment, cite the website, the Readability Test Tool, and at least one journal article.
Less than 3 grammar or spelling errors present
Evidence of proofreading should be present by the use of correct grammar and spelling.
APA format is followed. This means that sources are cited on slides and referenced on the reference page.
Use an easy to read font and color
Use images as appropriate
PowerPoint is submitted to the Portfolio by the due date for the assignment. Failure to submit the assignment to the portfolio by the due date will result in no credit for 10 points. Complete the portfolio verification quiz for 10 points after you place the item in your portfolio.
Health Literacy and Patient EducationAppraisal/EvaluationProject: Nurses are responsible for patient education that is based on an understanding of health literacy. Learners will explore health literacy and critically evaluate an online educational item. Use the Readability Tool to determine readability levels. the framework at NIH: Evaluating Health Information on the Internetfor your appraisal will then create a PowerPoint Presentation that addresses health literacy issues and provide a critique of an online educational item. All the information is to be supported by current research and references must be listed (have a reference list at the end of the PowerPoint). For this assignment, cite the website, the Readability Test Tool, and at least one journal article. For detailed information, see the grading rubric.See syllabus appendix for detailed instructions and grading rubric.
tips for Effective PowerPoint Presentations1.Use bullet points or key phrases. Do not use paragraphs on the slides as this is distracting to the human eye. 2.For paragraph or more detailed information, use the Notes section that is found under the slide. Click on notes and then you can drag it to make the notes section larger if you wish. Put details in the notes section. 3.Avoid cluttered, crowded, and busyslides. Put keywords or a few bullet points on the slide. Use the notes section under the slide for details and longer narratives.4.Use source citations on the slide. You can also include source citations in the notes section.
19NURS 330: Healthcare Policy and Informatics 5.Start with a title page that is eye appealing6.Use font size 32 or larger. You may have to adjust this based on the room size.7.Use easy to read font, such as Arial and Times New Roman. Use only one font.8.Use images as appropriate. Copyright friendly images are available at: each site for attribution. You do not need to pay for these images and should take caution when asked for money.)9.Be sure to use white space. A poster or PowerPoint that is too crowded is not appealing to the eye.10.Avoid red and green colors (red/green colorblindness)11.Be sure to proofread12.Use spell and grammar check!13.Cite and reference sources!14.Include a reference page15.Sometimes PowerPoints with images can becomelarge files. This makes it difficult to email or post in a discussion forum. For this reason, you can compress the images in PowerPoint and PDF the final version. Email or attach to discussions the PDF version. If you want to PDF your PowerPoint withyour notes, so the viewer can read the notes section (essential for graded items), then select print, but change the printer to save as PDF file. Now, select to print the slides with notes. Save as PDF file. This should save it with the slides and notes visible.Appendix CHealth Literacy and Patient EducationAppraisal/EvaluationHealth Literacy and Patient EducationProject: Registered Nurses are responsible for patient education that is based on an understanding of health literacy. Learners will explore health literacy and critically evaluatean online educational item. Use the Readability Tool to determine readability levels. the framework at NIH: Evaluating Health Information on the Internetfor your appraisal will then create a PowerPoint Presentation that addresses health literacy issues and provide a critique of an online educational item. All the information is to be supported by current research and references must be listed (have a reference listat the end of the PowerPoint). For this assignment, cite the website, the Readability Test Tool, and at least one journal article. For detailed information, see the grading rubric.
20NURS 330: Healthcare Policy and Informatics ***Be sure to cite and reference all sources! Intext citations occur with the information being reported on the slides. The matching full references should be found on a reference list at the end of the PowerPoint.**
NURS 330 Health Literacy & Patient Education Term Project
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