You have been approached to design a java application
[ad_1]You have been approached to design a java application for a local retailer The Merplier Crazy Lolly
Shop. It is envisioned that this java application will track the details of employees, customers, and
suppliers. The CEO wants a design, documentation, and code of a simple version of the java
- Design and Documentation
Purpose of system
Explain in simpler words what the following application will do after implementation.
Class Diagrams
In this section, you are to provide a class diagram for every user-authored class of the
system. You are expected to use inheritance so that you have parent class and child
classes. - Coding
Create a new project in Eclipse called Assessment 2. Within this project create a package called
lollyShopSystem. You then must design the classes and include the following: - Author the following classes within your newly created package:
a. LollyShopDriver – which will be used to run the application. This class will have a
main method.
b. Person – this is an parent class and includes the following attributes
i. firstName (String)
ii. surname (String)
iii. phoneNumber (String)
iv. discount (int)
c. Customer – which will inherit from Person and includes the following attributes
i. emailAddress (String)
ii. And an additional attribute of your choice.
d. Employee – which will inherit from Person and includes the following attributes
i. hourlyWorked (double)
ii. And an additional attribute of your choice.
e. Supplier – which will inherit from Person and includes the following attributes
i. companyName(double)
ii. supplierStatus (String)
iii. And an additional attribute of your choice. - Provide at least two constructors for the Employee, Supplier and Customer classes:
i. A default constructor which assigns each instance variable a default value
ii. A constructor with parameters which assign values to each instance variable. - Write get and set methods for your classes for all instance variables.
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"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."