Exceptional knowledge of the topic showing depth
Grade | Mark Percent | Knowledge | Application | Judgement | Communication | Referencing |
HD | 85 -100 | Exceptional knowledge of the topic showing depth of understanding of the topic |
Exceptional application of knowledge to the issue demonstrating original thinking skills, insight and creativity |
Exceptional demonstration of judgement skills and weighing of evidence |
Exceptional writing skills with zero content errors and outstanding report presentation |
Exceptional referencing and sourcing of material |
D | 75 -84 | Excellent knowledge of the topic and issues |
Excellent ability to apply knowledge and synthesise issues |
Excellent demonstration of the capacity to exercise judgement under minimal supervision |
Excellent writing skills with virtually no content errors and excellent report presentation |
Excellent referencing and sourcing of material |
C | 65- 74 | Very good knowledge of the topic and issues |
Very good ability to apply knowledge and synthesise issues |
Very good demonstration of the capacity to exercise judgement under minimal supervision |
Very good writing skills with minimal content errors and quality report presentation |
Very good referencing and sourcing of material |
P | 50 – 64 | Good knowledge of the topic and issues |
Good ability to apply knowledge and synthesise issues |
Good demonstration of the capacity to exercise judgement under minimal supervision |
Good writing skills with minor content errors and a satisfactory report presentation |
Good referencing and sourcing of material meeting the minimum standard of required references |
F | Less than 50 | Poor or confused knowledge of the topic and issues |
Inability to apply knowledge or synthesise issues |
Inability to demonstrate the capacity to exercise judgement |
Poor writing skills with frequent content errors and a poor report format and presentation |
Inadequate referencing and sourcing of materials |
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