GEA 1000 Regional Report Paper Assignment
GEA 1000 Regional Report Paper Assignment
World Regional Geography
Regional Report Paper Instructions
Description: Students will be asked to research, prepare, and produce a Regional Report on a particular area or region of the world. It needs to include specific references and analysis of the region, including (but not limited to): region’s culture, economy, politics, important features (physical and man-made), etc. The report must critically address the area or region’s unique community in terms of identity, legacy, and cultural heritage. This assignment will be comprised of three parts: Report Proposal, a Report Draft, and a Final Report. The Regional Report Paper makes up 50% of the student’s overall course grade.
Part I: Report Proposal (20% of Report Grade):
- Student will submit a brief (one paragraph tops) paper that demonstrates their intent to discuss a certain world region for their report.
- It would be helpful for students to find AT LEAST 5 sources they will use for their paper by this point. Valid sources include: CIA World Fact Book, Government websites, news articles. Do not use Wikipedia as a source, but feel free to pillage their sources, if necessary. Include these sources in an APA formatted Bibliography.
- Format: APA Style, Times New Roman Font, 12 pt Font Size.
- Each student will have a ONE LINE header at the top of the page that provides the student’s name and the place/region on which the paper focuses. GEA 1000 Regional Report Paper Assignment
Part II: Regional Report Paper Draft (30% of Report Grade):
- Length: 4-5 pages (There needs to be at least one FULL sentence on the fifth page for the student to meet this length requirement).
- Format: APA Style, Times New Roman Font, 12 pt Font Size.
- The paper should include your assessment as well as an introduction and conclusion.
- Bibliography: Must contain 8 sources total and be in APA format.
- Parenthetical citations: Students MUST include parenthetical citations for every source included in the bibliography. Failure to do so will result in a zero for this part of the assignment.
- I suggest that you do not use direct quotes for these papers. I prefer for you to paraphrase.
- Each student will have a ONE LINE header at the top of the page that provides the student’s name and the region on which the paper focuses.
Part III: Final Regional Report (50% of Report Grade):
- Length: 4-5 pages (There needs to be at least one FULL sentence on the fifth page for the student to meet this length requirement).
- Format: APA Style, Times New Roman Font, 12 pt Font Size.
- The paper should include your assessment as well as an introduction and conclusion.
- Bibliography: Must contain 8 sources total and be in APA format.
- Parenthetical citations: Students MUST include parenthetical citations for every source included in the bibliography. Failure to do so will result in a zero for this part of the assignment.
- I suggest that you do not use direct quotes for these papers. I prefer for you to paraphrase.
Each student will have a ONE LINE header at the top of the page that provides the student’s name and the region on which the paper focuses. GEA 1000 Regional Report Paper Assignment
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