ICT 101 Discrete Mathematics for IT
ICT101 – Group Assignment 2 brief
1 | P a g e
ICT 101 Discrete Mathematics for IT
Assessment # 5 – Group Assignment
Trimester 1, 2020
Overview of Assignment
This assignment is an extension of individual assignment 1. Students will work in groups of 2-3 to investigate
further on the application identified in the previous assignment. When students in a group analysis the
application of each member in the group, they choose one application which can be implemented as a
computer programme. They will have to analyse, design and construct a flow-chart and investigate further
to write it as an algorithm. They also have to use some inputs to check the reliability of the algorithm.
Students also have to do a thorough analysis of algorithm to identify any problem and give a suggestion to
rectify it.
Task Description: Written Report
Student group will be exploring and analysis the applications which are identified by each group
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