
DHRUV PATEL (218669614)
SANI PATEL (218621336)
HARSH PATEL (218635085)
Executive Summary
THAMP is the project name given to construct a two-story building for the client Giulietta. For
this project, the product breakdown structure is identified so that all the material which is
required to be purchased to execute the project can be made clear to the client. The objective
of the project is to deliver the product that is the two-story building successfully. For this
purpose, the list of activities is identified which is required to complete the project activities
and the duration along with dependencies are allocated by using MS Project software so that
the overall Gantt chart for the project can be developed. As a result, the 1-year duration is the
outcome from the time schedule within which the project can be handed over by reducing the
time and cost after incorporating truss in place of the conventional roof on the first floor to
implement value engineering concepts. But to deliver this project within 1-year successfully
with the best quality result, there are various challenges present in the AEC industry and the
project management discipline along with the selection of accurate site location which is
required to be managed before and during the project execution so that the objective of
delivering the two-story building successfully can be fulfilled.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
Project Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
Project purpose or justification ………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Project objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
High-level requirements …………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
Assumptions and constraints ……………………………………………………………………………………………..5
High-level risks………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
Summary milestone schedule……………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Stakeholder list………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Project Scope …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
Feasible Construction Method……………………………………………………………………………………9
Major Challenges…………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15
Giulietta is a friend who is willing to build a house and given name to the project as THAMP.
The project involves the development of a project management plan to build a two-story
building at Greater Melbourne or Greater Geelong so that proper access to the necessary
services can be availed by Giulietta.
The aim of this report is to discuss the project environment report related to the THAMP project
to implement value engineering and the management. For this purpose, the technical report
regarding the project and its summary in the form of a project charter is developed and the
project scope is defined with the product breakdown structure so that the breakdown of the
two-story building in terms of product and services can be understood. After this, the report
also contains information of the construction method that shall be used to build the two-story
building included the timeline in the form of the Gantt chart and finally, major challenges to
build this project is also discussed.
Project Summary
The project summary is presented below for the project, and for this, the project charter is
developed with all the major headings to cover almost all the information on the project
(Roseke, 2016).
Project purpose or justification
The purpose of the project is:
• To choose a better location among Greater Melbourne and Greater Geelong for
providing maximum benefit to Giulietta
• To develop project management plan for the construction of a two-story building by
using value engineering so that the building construction can be a value for money
• To search a contractor to build this two-story building according to the project
management document so that all the benefits of managing a project can be achieved
by Giulietta
Project objectives
The goal of the project so that success criteria can be achieved is:
• To deliver the overall plan for the construction of a two-story building whether at
Greater Melbourne or at Greater Geelong
• To provide recommendation for helping for the selection of the perfect location so that
maximum value for money can be achieved by Giulietta
• To provide the best plan for managing the construction and resources for the project
High-level requirements
The very high-level requirement of this project is (Aston, 2019):
• To recommend ideas through which value of two-story building and the plot can be
• To finalize the approach of selecting the suppliers of material and the sub-contractor to
construct the two-story building
• To approve the final sub-contractor for the construction of the building and develop the
contract accordingly so that client can ensure the timely development of two-story
building with high standard quality
• To finalize the best location for the construction of the two-story building to enhance
the value of that building
Assumptions and constraints
• The assumptions taken to develop the project is the availability of permit for the
construction of the building is present, all site survey and site cleaning work is already
completed, and the fund required to develop the two-story building is already available
with Giulietta
• The basic constraint of the project is to deliver the detailed project management plan
for this project within three months duration and arrangement of all the necessary
resources for the execution due to multiple similar projects which are already running
in the same locality
High-level risks
• For the construction of a two-story building, working at height is required, and
therefore, the risk of falling from a height is present (PCSInsurance, 2020)
• Point cook in Melbourne is becoming a busy area, and therefore, constructing a building
in that area can cause a severe accident due to the fall of some material from a height
on the object or person
• The construction activities cause a huge increase in noise level and so can affect the
health of workers and the people living in the locality
Summary milestone schedule

Name of Milestone Start End
Start of the project 4-May-20
Completion of contract placement (Concord, 2020) 30-Sep-20
Start of construction activities 30-Sep-20
Completion of construction work 21-Apr-21
Closing of the overall project 3-May-21

Stakeholder list

Internal (Pampliega, 2013) External
Owner (Giulietta) People in locality
DHS Patel (Project Manager) Municipality of Melbourne
Family members of Giulietta Government of Australia
Suppliers Banks (for funding)
Sub-contractor & Workers

Project Scope
The scope of the project THAMP is to develop the two-story building for the client. In this
project, all the different sub elements of two-story building construction have to be supplied
and developed so that the overall product can be delivered successfully. The product of this
overall project is already mentioned above and is the two-story building that is to be developed
for Giulietta. Therefore, the scope involves all the list of deliverables that shall be developed
and delivered to construct the two-story building properly. The list of such elements and
activities and the deliverables is presented below along with the sub elements (Kristensen,
1. The final product = a two-story building
1.1. The internal part of the building
1.2. Foundation of the building
1.3. The external part of the building
After this, each sub element at level 2 can be further divided into two down levels so that further
detailing of each level can be understood in detail. This detailing and developing the list of
material requirements up to the last level is necessary to provide the concept regarding the
overall scope of work and the overall deliverables which is necessary to be developed and
delivered so that the overall two-story building can be constructed properly. Therefore, the sub
elements of all three elements identified above is further detailed below. First of all, the sub
elements of the internal part of the building is defined below:
1.1. The internal part of the building
1.1.1. The walls of the building
1.1.2. The modules of the building
1.1.3. The floor elements of the building
Similarly, the sub elements of (1.2.) the foundation of the building are:
1.2.1. The concrete element
1.2.2. The pillar or the column element
And now, the sub elements of the external part of the two-story building (1.3) are:
1.3.1. The wall element of the building
1.3.2. The roof element of the building
In this way, the overall product that is the delivery of a two-story building can be further divided
to divide the scope of the deliverable. In the case of the wall element, the first floor and second
floor can be further divided into two sub elements into the internal and external parts of the
building which can cover all the work necessary to develop the wall of the first floor and the
ground floor (Wahab & Ismail, 2014). This generally contains the brickwork, the plastering
work, the necessary painting work, the required plumbing work, and so on which is also
identified and defined in the detailed project schedule presented in the next section.
To present the overall discussion regarding the scope of the project clearly, the product
background structure to construct the two-story building is presented below. The development
of the product background structure or PBS is necessary for every project so that the overall
shopping list or the overall list of material that is required to be purchased to develop and
deliver the building can be identified clearly in a hierarchical way like WBS (work breakdown
structure as mentioned in next section) (Trainer, 2010). After the development of PBS, it
always helps in providing the confidence in the client to understand the product and its sub
division which is to be supplied and constructed as a part of the overall scope of the project to
deliver the two-story building throughout the life cycle of the project development (APM,
2020). The relationship between the product and its sub products or the possible sub elements
can be understood by looking at the PBS very easily, and therefore, it is developed below for
the two-story building development (ProductBreakdownStructure, 2020):
The above shown PBS for the development and delivery of a two-story building is actually a
tool that is used to document and analyse the approach of value engineering so that the material
which is not required or the more valuable material available can be used to develop the twostory building. PBS is developed so that more valuable material that can generate more value
for money of client can be identified. It can be done from this figure and implement in the
project to achieve more sustainability of the two-story building so that the client can get the
best value for the money invested for the construction of the two-story building.
Feasible Construction Method
To construct the two-story building for the client, the methods that can be selected is either a
single building with slab and column design or the building with ground floor slab casting and
the first floor with partial slab and truss to give a proper aesthetic view to the building. It is so
because the truss roof can be developed in the fabrication yard with the prefabricated truss of
different shapes and sizes as per the floor design of the building and it can be installed directly

1. Two-story
1.3. The
external part of
the building
1.1. The internal
part of the
1.2. Foundation
of the building
1.1.1. The walls
of the building
1.1.2. The
modules of the
1.1.3. The floor
elements of the
1.2.1. The
1.3.1. The wall
element of the
1.3.2. The roof
element of the
building Ground
Floor Kitchen
1.2.2. The pillar
or the column
element Ground
Floor First
module First

by using a crane almost in no time in compared to the conventional roof casting. Therefore, the
time required to cast the slab of the first floor in the sequential manner can be reduced and the
truss can be directly erected too (TheHouseDesigners, 2020). This approach of the construction
method for the two-story building can provide the aesthetics view, and at the same time, it can
save the overall project duration. Therefore, the concept of value management of reducing the
wastage of time for casting the conventional slab and providing a bit less aesthetic view of the
building could be converted into a better one. Hence, rather than providing the conventional
roof of the building, it is to be designed with the truss at the top of the first floor. Trusses are
cheaper in compared to the conventional roof, and therefore, the cost of the project will also be
less. Hence, the overall concept of value engineering is implemented by reducing the cost and
time both of the projects without reducing the scope of work, and at the same time, the delivery
of a better aesthetic view of the two-story building could also be made possible.
Therefore, the list of activities which is required to be performed to deliver the two-story
building is identified below (Rahman, 2020). This overall work is required to be performed by
using all the products as mentioned above so that the two-story building can be delivered
successfully to the client.
1. Identification of clear required from Giulietta
2. Development of scope statement after the finalisation of the total requirement
3. Development of time estimates for each activity and the baseline schedule
4. Development of cost estimate according to the resource and material requirement
5. Development of risk management plan
6. Development of the quality management plan and quality matrices
7. Development of project management plan
8. Approval of the project plan by Giulietta
9. Performing segregation of scope of work in service and supply for Contract finalization
10. Development of request for quotation document for Contract finalization (B4UBuild,
11. Receiving of the proposal and its evaluation
12. Negotiation and finalization of the material supplier and subcontractor as a part of the
Contract finalization
13. Excavation and casting of foundation or piling work as per soil condition to build twostory building (Adhnan, 2014)
14. Casting of the ground beam and the further column of the two-story building along with
the staircase (Jamal, 2017)
15. Casting of the slab of ground floor and column
16. Brickwork of ground floor
17. Brickwork of the first floor of two-story building
18. Fabrication at shop & erection at site of truss of two-story building
19. Fixing of window and door frames at both the floors of two-story building
20. Fixing of other frames of two-story building
21. Inside and outside plastering as the finishing work of the building
22. Inside and outside painting
23. Necessary plumbing work of two-story building (Peansupap & Ly, 2015)
24. Final review of building with Giulietta
25. Documenting the punch list
26. Conducting the rectification work
27. Documentation of lessons learnt, and finally,
28. Closing of the overall project
On the basis of the above-identified activity list which is required to be performed to deliver
the two-story building successfully, the time duration required to execute each activity is
identified and the relationship between different activities are also provided in the MS Project
software to develop the bar chart view of the overall project activities. For developing the Gantt
chart of the overall project, the work breakdown structure is shown in the figure below so that
the breaking of the overall work required to construct the two-story building can be shown
clearly like it was presented in the case of PBS above. The Gantt chart view of the overall
project is presented herewith:
Figure: Gantt chart
Therefore, by following the above shown Gantt chart activities and by implementing the truss
structure for the first floor, the time required for slab casting as the conventional roof can be
reduced and the cost can also be reduced substantially to provide more value for money to the
client. By executing all the activities as defined above within the defined timeline in case the
project gets approved and started on the 4th May 2020, then within just one year the best quality
of the two-story building with truss roof and the best aesthetic view can be handed over to the
client by 3rd May 2021. In this overall construction schedule, Saturday and Sunday has been
considered a holiday, and in such case, within just 261 working days, the overall two-storied
building can be handed over to Giulietta.
Major Challenges
The project environment involves all the factors either internally or externally available that
can become a constraint for the successful delivery with regard to the THAMP project is
identified below. The major challenges that can impact this project of construction and handing
over of two-story building is identified below in the table and discussed in detail so that the
strategies to overcome the challenges can be developed to deliver the project successfully.

Areas Major
1 AEC Industry Finding &
retaining talent
to execute the
To execute the project properly as per the plan, people
should be highly talented so that the necessary value
engineering concept can be incorporated to deliver a
valuable product to the client. But the finding of skilled
people who are actually talented and retaining them in the
same company becomes a challenge. And in case of
repetitive change of person, the reputation to the client
decreases along with a decrease in productivity because of
the loss of time required for a new entry in the company
to get settle down.
Managing the
potential or the
efficiency of
The high efficiency of human resources is very much
important in this industry so that the two-story building
can be actually completed within 1 year of the time


human resources
(Plotnick, 2018)
duration as per the project plan. But the challenge is to
manage the potential of the resources and to get their
higher efficiency level in the workplace.
competition in
market & so less
cost margin
To achieve the solution of the above 2 challenges, better
wage is required to be provided, and for this reason, a good
cost margin is required to be available in the business. But
due to the rise in competition in Australia, the cost is
decreasing and so the above two challenges are increasing
which becomes a real constraint to deliver the two-story
building properly within the deadline.
2 Project Management Acute shortage
of workers
(Jones, 2018)
To develop and deliver the two-story building as per the
project schedule, the workers are required to be present as
per the resource requirement plan. But because of the
multiple constructions at the same time in Australia, there
is an acute shortage of workers. And because of the
shortage, the total work cannot be completed within the
deadline, and so the chances of missing the deadline
increases which can cause the dissatisfaction of the client.
productivity of
The productivity in the construction field is not increasing
properly, therefore, the acceleration of any work is not
getting possible because of which the possibility of
accelerating the project schedule to construct the two
story building also becomes a challenge.
Health and
safety issues in
construction area
For the construction of the two-story building, the working
at height is required, and therefore, maintaining the health
and safety standard becomes a challenge and due to falling
from a height, there can even be the death of the workers
add so it can become a challenge to deliver two-story
building successfully.
3 Site
Wrong team
selection for the
finalisation of a
Due to the shortage of talent, the wrong people may get
selected to shortlist the site location either in Greater
Melbourne or in the Greater Geelong, and so, it can


particular land
(White, 2016)
become a challenge for the proper selection of site and
provide satisfaction to the client.
Non availability
of proper
with the city
(LISC, 2020)
The land area may be selected on the outskirts, and so, the
connectivity with the city can become a challenge for the
client and can also raise dissatisfaction.
Very high cost
per square foot
of the piece of
To provide proper connectivity, the land location may be
required to be selected within the city, and so, the land cost
can become so high that it can become out of budget for
the client and become a challenge to develop the two-story

It is concluded from the overall report that the THAMP project can be delivered successfully
to the client if the challenges as identified in the above section with respect to the AEC industry,
the project management discipline, and the selection of the site location could be managed. The
Gantt chart is developed for the overall construction duration and it is finalized from the activity
list that the two-story building can be handed over in one year of time duration. But it can only
be provided if the above challenges could be managed. To construct the two-story building, the
best method will be to provide truss structure at the first floor so that value engineering can be
incorporated by saving time and cost as well as providing a better quality of aesthetic view to
the building. To construct the two-story building, the detailed PBS is defined in the report
which can be useful to make the client more clear about the product and the material which is
required to be purchased so that the objective of delivering the two-story building can be
successfully completed.
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