SRM752 Advanced Project Management

SRM752 Advanced Project Management


[SRM752 Advanced Project Management]
© Deakin University Trimester 1, 2020
Assignment 3 (INDIVIDUAL assignment)
Project management – PLAN
50 Marks
The purpose of this assignment is to:
● Demonstrate your ability to critically examine impacts of project management practice/
methodologies and techniques on modern, complex projects in the Architecture,
Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry
● Critique project management techniques and recommend appropriate techniques to suit
complex construction projects
1. Consider your close circle of friends; you are known as a professional with the background
in architectural engineering and construction, currently upgrading your qualifications by
completing MCM at Deakin University.
2. One of your friends (Giulietta) approached you proposing management of a project
involving construction of her house. Giulietta wants the project to be known as “The house
at my place – THAMP”.
3. She proposes that you will be contracted as the Project Manager under the AS4915-2002
Project Management – General Conditions contract.
4. The ultimate product of the THAMP project is a two-storey building. The basic design
documentation was given to you for your consideration and Giulietta assumes you evaluate
the design from ‘value engineering/management’ viewpoint. Please see the 2020-T1 case
project folder in the CloudDeakin site of SRM752 unit.
5. All preliminary works (site surveying, etc) and permits (planning, building, no-go zone, etc)
necessary to start and continue constructions are finalised/granted.
6. Location of the building is still to be decided by Giulietta and her decision to choose her
preferred location is based on your advice. However, the location must be either in the
Greater Melbourne ()or Greater Geelong [] boundaries.
7. Giulietta confirmed that she has financial resources to complete the THAMP project
8. As you currently have some spare capacity in terms of your professional engagements,
you have gladly accepted the offer and signed out the AS4915-2002 contract for the value
of $5,000 ($3,425 + $1,575) with your client (Giulietta), at this stage just for the preparation
of project management plan (PMP).
9. Based on the merit of your plan Giulietta is willing to engage you as the Project Manager
with professional fees of 14% of the total cost of the THAMP project for management of the
THAMP project.
10. Giulietta has given you three months to prepare the THAMP project management plan for
the construction and management of the project resources.
11. You have no access to any resources from the so called “parent organisation”. So, in order
to complete the THAMP project, you will need to perform either, by yourself any necessary
managerial and/or construction tasks, or commission service(s) from others
[SRM752 Advanced Project Management]
© Deakin University Trimester 1, 2020
Based on the above assumptions your tasks are to:
1. Provide an updated project summary for the THAMP project.
2. Propose a method/ technique/ tool for management of the original scope of work and/or
any changes to the original scope instigated either by a request from your team or by
the client. One example demonstrating the use of the proposed scope management
tool on the THAMP project must be provided.
3. Propose a method/ technique/ tool for management of quality/ standards/ specifications
of the overall product and its elements including workmanship. One example
demonstrating the use of the proposed quality management tool/method on the THAMP
project must be provided.
4. Propose a method/ technique/ tool for management of the people/ trades/ organisations
involved in the THAMP project. One example demonstrating the use of the proposed
HR tool/method on the THAMP project must be provided.
5. Propose a method/ technique/ tool for management of wellbeing and safety of your
THAMP project team. One example demonstrating the use of the proposed
tool/method on the THAMP project must be provided.
6. Propose a method/ technique/ tool for management of the authorities and general
public affected by the THAMP project. One example demonstrating the use of the
proposed tool/method for stakeholder management on the THAMP project must be
7. Propose a method/ technique/ tool for management of necessary communication with
the client, affected neighbourhood and your THAMP project team. One example
demonstrating the use of the tool/method for communication management on the
THAMP project must be provided.
8. Propose a method/ technique/ tool for management of the approved schedule of the
THAMP project. One example demonstrating the use of the schedule management
tool/method on the THAMP project must be provided.
9. Propose a method/ technique/ tool for management of the cost of the THAMP project.
One example demonstrating the use of the tool/method for cost management on the
THAMP project must be provided.
[SRM752 Advanced Project Management]
© Deakin University Trimester 1, 2020
Assignment rubric is available in the relevant assessment dropbox in the DeakinCloud.
• Format of the submission is professional project management PLAN. The plan is to be
submitted as a single file (pdf document). In addition to the plan a project
schedule/program is to be submitted as a single Microsoft Project 2016 (.mpp) file.
Also, the plan and the program are to be introduced by each student using a short video
post in the assignment dropbox.
• Word count of the plan is 2,500 words (+10%).
• Hard limit for number of activities in the project program is 40 (+/- 10%)
• Video post limit is 3-minutes and 500kB. The video must be submitted via Dropbox
function of “upload video”. Please note that videos not meeting this conditions will not
be assessed.
Submission is by 11.59pm on Tuesday, 2 June 2020 via dropbox in CloudDeakin
• Generic feedback on this assignment will be provided by Monday, 23 June 2020 via
BlackboardCollaborate and dropbox in CloudDeakin
• Marks for this assignment will be published following formal release of results by the
[SRM752 Advanced Project Management]
© Deakin University Trimester 1, 2020
SRM752 Advanced Project Management
School of Architecture and Built Environment
Trimester 1 – 2020
Unit Chair: Adam Krezel
Teaching Staff: Adam Krezel, Farnad Nasirzadeh and Azmeri Rahman
1. This document is to be read in conjunction with the Unit Guide for this unit. The Unit Guide
provides detailed procedures and requirements for issues such as late submission and
special consideration for assessment.
2. It is the responsibility of each student to confirm submission requirements including dates,
time, format and procedures.
3. This unit has three assignments. You should accomplish assignment 1 and 2 in teams of
three students and assignment 3 individually.
4. According to the University regulations, late submission of an assignment will incur a five
per cent (5%) reduction of the available mark for each day, up to five (5) days, after the due
date. Assignments submitted after five days will not be marked.
5. Extension or special consideration may be considered for late submission. Please refer to
relevant university regulations for detailed procedure.
6. All assignments must be submitted electronically through CloudDeakin. Assignments
submitted in any other way will not be marked.
7. You may refer to publications, but you must write in your own language and cite the
references using the Author-Date (Harvard) system. It is essential for you to fully
understand what you write and to be able to provide further explanations if you are
requested to do so later on. The library provides workshops and advice on citations and
8. The front page of all assignments submitted through CloudDeakin must only include:
● Title
● Author name(s) and affiliation
● Date
● Report recipient
9. If you are not clear about the requirements of the assignments, please seek your
lecturer/tutor’s help as soon as possible.
10. The University regards plagiarism as an extremely serious academic offence.
11. Before starting your assignment, please read the University document, Study Skills at
[SRM752 Advanced Project Management]
© Deakin University Trimester 1, 2020

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