Effective Persuasive Communication In Personal, Professional, And Academic Contexts

Effective Persuasive Communication In Personal, Professional, And Academic Contexts


Write four paragraphs describing effective persuasive communication in personal, professional, and academic contexts. In each of the paragraphs, include at least one concrete example of effective writing that you have encountered or written yourself to illustrate your points, and consider issues like audience, speaker, text, purpose, and context. You can also include information on tone, style, formality, voice, correctness, evidence, and word choice you develop your responses to the prompts below.

Follow APA 6th edition formatting guidelines. Paragraphs should be well-developed, cohesive, and edited for clarity and correctness. If any sources are referenced, they should be cited in APA 6th edition style, but sources are not required.

Here are some examples of persuasion in various contexts to help you think about examples from your own experience:

A post on a social media site about the need for sidewalks in your neighborhood so kids can get to school safely
An email to your boss proposing a new safety procedure
An academic persuasive essay about your community’s need for a free spay/neuter program
In all of these situations, you need to choose the most appropriate audience, method of communication, and evidence to convey your argument and persuade others to agree with you.

In the first paragraph, describe an example of effective persuasive communication in personal contexts such as social media posts, emails to friends, or communications to your child’s teachers and explain the considerations you must keep in mind to communicate effectively in these personal communications. .

In the second paragraph, describe an example of effective persuasive communication in professional contexts. You can consider your own field of study and the expectations for writing effectively in that field and explain how that communication example illustrates the expectations for professional persuasive communication, or you could describe a communication you received in a professional context, such as a letter from a lawyer or business.

In the third paragraph, describe an example of effective persuasive communication in an academic context like a discussion board, assignment, or group presentation. In this paragraph, consider how academic persuasive standards differ from personal and professional writing.

Finally, you will often need to work as part of a team in academic and professional contexts. In the fourth paragraph, discuss how you could use collaboration and teamwork, including the strategies described by Steven Johnson in his TED Talk “Where Good Ideas Come From,”https://www.ted.com/talks/steven_johnson_where_good_ideas_come_from?language=en

to persuade others and communicate ideas effectively and ethically to others.

Minimum Submission Requirements

Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
Title page in APA 6th edition manuscript format
APA 6th edition manuscript format throughout (e.g., 12-point font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins)
At least four unified and well-developed paragraphs addressing the prompts
If any references are made to sources, they are cited in APA 6th edition style both in-text and on a separate references page

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