Apply transform-and-conquer strategies to solve a real
1 Objectives
There are three key objectives for this assignment:
• Apply transform-and-conquer strategies to to solve a real application.
• Study Sudoku and develop algorithms and data structures to solve Sudoku puzzles.
• Research and extend algorithmic solutions to Sudoku variants.
2 Learning Outcomes
This assignment assesses learning outcomes CLO 1, 2, 3 and 5 of the course. Please
refer to the course guide for the relevant learning outcomes:
3 Introduction and Background
Sudoku was a game first popularised in Japan in the 80s but dates back to the 18th
century and the “Latin Square” game. The aim of Sudoku is to place numbers from 1
to 9 in cells of a 9 by 9 grid, such that in each row, column and 3 by 3 block/box all
9 digits are present. Typical Sudoku puzzle will have some of the cells initially filled in
with digits and a well designed game will have one unique solution. In this assignment
you will implement algorithms that can solve puzzles of Sudoku and its variants.
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