COVID -19 In Brazil And Peru: Policies And Crisis
Topic: COVID -19 in Brazil and Peru: Policies and Crisis
*Your essay will: 1) describe the topic you chose; 2) provide historical background to the topic; 3) link the topic to the broader issues of democratic consolidation, governance, and/or economic development models; and 4) discuss the significance of the topic for the broader Latin American region
*Address the 4 parts:
- Description of the topic. A good way to approach this is to think about how you would explain the topic to someone who does not know anything about it. What would be important to include in your discussion in order to provide this person with enough information to get a good understanding of topic? Why is this topic important
? B. Historical background to the topic. Talk about the historical events/developments that led to the emergence of this issue. What background information is necessary for understanding the current issue? Again, think about how you would explain the background to your topic to someone who knows nothing about it. What pieces of information are essential?
- Link the topic to the broader issues of democratic consolidation, governance, and/or economic development models: In this course, we explored democratization, the challenge of democratic governance in Latin America, and different economic development models. Does your topic relate to democratization, governance, and/or economic development? If so, discuss how. For example, what are the implications of the topic of your paper for democracy and democratic governance? Are there any implications for economic development? Does political or socioeconomic inequality play a role in your study? Think about the different challenges and opportunities for democracy we studied in this course, as well as the types of economic development models (neoliberalism vs. state-centered models). You do not have to address both democratization and economic development. You can choose one or the other, but if you feel discussing both is helpful to your paper, by all means do so.
- Significance of the topic for the broader Latin American region: In this last part of the paper, explore the significance of this topic and its potential outcomes for the Latin American region as a whole. How could it affect the broader politics of the region? How and why is the topic significant? If it isn’t significant, why?
Sources: (5) Feel free to include additional sources as well
Academic article: Caicedo-Ochoa, Yaset, David E Rebellón-Sánchez, Marcela Peñaloza-Rallón, Hector F Cortés-Motta, and Yardany R Méndez-Fandiño. 2020. “Effective Reproductive Number Estimation for Initial Stage of COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin American Countries.” International Journal of Infectious Diseases 95 (June): 316–18.
Andreoni, Manuela. 2020. “Coronavirus in Brazil: What You Need to Know.” The New York Times. The New York Times.
Nugent, Ciara. 2020. “How Peru’s Coronavirus Outbreak Got So Bad: What to Know.” Time. Time.
Taj, Mitra, and Anatoly Kurmanaev. 2020. “Virus Exposes Weak Links in Peru’s Success Story.” The New York Times. The New York Times.
“Central and South America Now ‘Intense Zones’ for COVID-19 Transmission. June 2020 | | UN News.” United Nations. United Nations.
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