The History Of Medical Research
There was one point in time that most medical research was funded by non-federal sources. Drug companies looking to make a profit undertook the research. Private foundations footed the bill. However, at some point, government officials realized this something that the government might do well to invest it. This will be the topic of this week’s paper.
First provide a brief history of medical research. When did the government first get involved in it? What led to this involvement? What were some of the positive effects of this involvement? What were some of the negative effects? Go the this site: (Links to an external site.). Identify and discuss 3 initiatives. Be sure to discuss the initiative, who will benefit from it, how is it funded, what level of government involvement is there, and any other facts you feel are pertinent. Rate the 3 in order of importance and provide a rationale. (COVID-19 isn’t an option for this assignment).
Your paper should be 3 pages in length (excluding title page, abstract, reference page, and appendices). The paper should be in APA format (6th edition).
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