The United Nations And Its Various Programs
Needs to be PowerPoint presentation with the following criteria:
This assignment asks you to work on crafting a fifteen to twenty slide presentation on your chosen topic pertaining to human geography. PowerPoint is the required mode of presentation for this project.Chosen topic:United Nations and its Various Programs
Cover slide:
This slide should include your name, an original title for your project, plus an appropriate image.
First Slide:
Your first main slide should introduce your topic, and include a thesis or statement about your findings regarding this topic.
Middle Slides:
Your next slides should systematically introduce your topic with the appropriate contextual and historical background.
-Include important background dates, events, and personalities.
-Use key human geography content vocabulary, terminology, and references to different theories (when possible and appropriate).
-Include images such as maps, historical photography, screenshots from newspaper clippings, diagrams, illustrations, etc. when appropriate. When you have images in a slide, include a link to the image down in the notes section of PPT (no need to put the links in the actual slides, since that will disrupt the visual flow of your slides).
-Write in complete sentence captions.
Concluding slide(s):
Review what you learned and what you found most interesting and/or important in the course of your research- your opinion matters here!
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