what are the results of climate change on water

what are the results of climate change on water


Academic English Skills Coursework 1: Source Report

Name: Class:




Essay title or question:


The impact of climate change on water resources such as ocean and sea.

Plan for overall structure of essay:

Plan for overall structure
Introduction ;- gives the definition of climate change and hydraulics. In addition, some situations of climate change would be given. A simple discussion of advantages and disadvantages also will be showed here, and gives the aim and objectives of this article as well.
P1. Background: the definition of climate change and hydraulics.
P2. the reasons for and consequences of climate change,
P3. what are the results of climate change on water
P4. effect of climate change on water, including negative and positive aspects
P5.Evaluation for all effects including positive and negative and solutions of dealing with climate change

Part 1: Annotated List of Sources

Select TWO sources you have read and plan to use in your essay and complete the table below outlining:

· why the text is useful for your essay

· how you found the source.

You will focus on three different sources in part 2. Note that you should summarise and paraphrase key information in the text in order to demonstrate that you have understood the sources. You may use bullet points. You are not marked for your language accuracy, but you will be penalised for copying text from the source.

Include a reference in the following format:

Books / chapters of books:
Surname, I. and Surname, I. (Year) Title of the book Place of Publication: Publisher

Surname, I. (Year) ‘Chapter of the book’ In: I. Surname & I. Surname (Eds) Title of the book Place of Publication:

Publisher pp.1 – 18

Journal articles (print/ online)
Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Article’ The Name of the Journal 1 (1), pp. 1- 18
Reports / articles online
Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Article or Report’ [Online] The Name of the Organisation or website. Available at:

url [Last Accessed 23.07.19]

Lectures / talks
Surname, I. (Year) ‘The Title of the Lecture or Talk’ [Online] TED Available at: url [Last Accessed 23.07.19]

Source 1

Type of source:



Duerden, F. (2004). Translating Climate Change Impacts at the Community Level. ARCTIC, 57(2).


This source is relevant because…
I found this source by…

Source 2

Type of source:



McNutt, M. (2013). science. [online] Science | AAAS. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1243256 [Accessed 16 Feb. 2020].

This source is relevant because…
I found this source by…

Part 2: Source Report

Complete the source report for THREE more sources you have read. Include:

· The reference

· How you have identified the source as suitable for academic use

· Three main points from the source which are useful for your essay, the supporting information for each idea or argument and which paragraph in the essay each main point is useful for. Make sure you cover at least three different aspects of your essay.

· Conclusions you have drawn from your reading.

Source 3

Raju, K. (2019). IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON WATER RESOURCES. [S.l.]: Springer Verlag, Singapore.

Source Evaluation

When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source
Relevant key point from the text Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point This point is useful for paragraph…
Source 4

Koutroulis, A., Tsanis, I., Daliakopoulos, I. and Jacob, D. (2013). Impact of climate change on water resources status: A case study for Crete Island, Greece. Journal of Hydrology, 479, pp.146-158.

Source Evaluation

When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source
Relevant key point from the text Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point This point is useful for paragraph…
Source 5

Grammelis, P., 2016. Energy, Transportation And Global Warming | Panagiotis Grammelis | Springer. [online] Springer.com. Available at: <https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319301266> [Accessed 12 March 2020].

Source Evaluation

When was the text published? Are the citations and references used in the text current?


Who is the author / organisation? Are they qualified? Is the source peer-reviewed?


Where does the information in the article come from? Are academic conventions used?

Use of Source
Relevant key point from the text Supporting evidence / example/ data for the key point This point is useful for paragraph…
Conclusions drawn from your reading

You will be given a tutorial following submission of the assessment. In the tutorial, you will be asked to:

· Show your tutor how you found your sources

· Talk your tutor through what you think are the useful parts of the sources

You will also be given opportunity to:

· Ask any questions you have on the assessment

· Get feedback on the work you have done so far

This assessment is worth 40% of your reading mark.

find the cost of your paper

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