Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cluster, Factor And Canonical Discriminant Analysis
Management Specialization
In the article by Zhengwen and Sharifi, the authors utilize cluster, factor and canonical discriminant analysis Based on the description of the techniques in that article, other research you should do, as well as your own knowledge and experience, please reflect and answer the following question:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of cluster, factor and canonical discriminant analysis?
Marketing Specialization
Discuss data analysis techniques used in the article “Strategic orientations, marketing proactivity and firm market performance” by Gotteland, D., Shock, J., & Sarin, S What are the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques in general? Can you propose some other technique(s) to improve the insight of the results?
Your main post should be 250-400 words, with citations and references in APA format.
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