create your informative speech outline
For this assignment, you will choose your speech topic and create your informative speech outline following the guidelines and submitting in stages.
The stages are:
Stage 1: Submit topic for approval. (Use the topic form below these directions to submit and wait for approval before moving to stage 2).
Stage 2: Submit purpose statements, thesis and three main body points for approval. (Use the sample statements example in stage 2 as your guide, create your statements, and submit. Wait for approval before moving to the outline.)
Stage 3: Submit informative speech outline for review (Use the sample as a guide and the outline template to complete your outline in stage 3).
Stage 4: After review and revision of outline, presentation of speech following the outline.
Stages 3 and 4 are in module 6.
This is your informative speech, and for the topics, you will choose a company or organization in which you will inform the audience about who/what they are. You may choose a for profit (WalMart, Target, Darden Restaurants, etc.) or non-profit organization (Clara White Mission, Big Brothers Big Sisters, American Heart Assoc., etc.), or any government organization (CIA, FBI, a military branch, etc.) . You can also use sports teams as a topic as they are an organization.
Here is where you will submit your topic using the form below. Download the document file and review the form. Complete this form and submit as an attachment.
In the form, you will put your topic choice and list sources you have reviewed to make your choice and that will be first stage sources. Be sure all sources are credible – no Wikipedia, and topics are relevant to the occasion (class) and to your audience (think of relating).
Click here to download the topic submission form: OC_SPC2065_CPSpeechTopicSubmit.doc
Submit in a Word (.doc or .docx), Adobe (.pdf) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. DO NOT SUBMIT USING PAGES…I cannot open it!
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"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."